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03/12/2025 Stock Pullbacks Are Helpful, Not Hurtful... Today's discuss is a reminder that stock prices see pullbacks several times during the year. Let's Talk about it. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
03/10/2025 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Monday Morning 9 AM EST. Virginia This Morning. Investment Tips for Bearish Investors. March 10, 2025 #WTVR #JBBRYAN
03/07/2025 Celebrating JB Bryan Financial Group, Inc. Established March 10, 1995. The History, The Purpose, and The Future of JBBFG. Serving YOU is the DREAM.
03/05/2025 Contracts: Action Steps before Signing ….. Contracts are an everyday part of work and personal life. BUT too many of us sign contracts without knowing what’s in really in them. Let's Talk about it. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
02/28/2025 Understanding Meme Coins: Securities and Exchange Commission says most "Meme Coins" are NOT securities under U.S. federal law. Members Only Meeting Friday, February 28th. Black History Month 2025.
02/26/2025 An Inside Look at the Housing Market. What role does your home play in your overall personal finances? Is your Home an Asset or a Liability? So, It’s a buyer’s market these days, what does that mean? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
02/22/2025 SATURDAY MORNING, MEMBERS MEETING at 10 AM. Topic: How to Use AI to Be More Successful at Work. No Friday meeting this week. See you Saturday Morning at 10 AM.
02/19/2025 Donkeys, elephants, bears, and bulls: Your Money & Your Politics. JB will share a long-term look at the performance of the S&P 500 Index to help us maintain perspective. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
02/14/2025 Wealth Preservation & Legacy Strategies: Wills, POA, Medical Directives, Trusts. How much is EXEMPT from Estate Taxes? Get all the details. MEMBERS MEETING at 9 AM - OPEN Attendance.
02/12/2025 Black Businesses: Publicly Traded vs. Privately Owned. Exploring what it means to become a publicly traded company? What Makes a Business Black-Owned? What are the particular challenges Facing Black-Owned Businesses? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
02/07/2025 Tax TIME: Get started TODAY. Key Tips on Preparing Your Tax Return. OPEN MEMBERS MEETING at 9 AM.
02/05/2025 Is 2025 a Renter's Market? Key ways to Build Wealth while renting. Plus, a Midweek Market Update. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
02/05/2025 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - RECORDING - Retirement Plan Updates. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
01/31/2025 Building Your Dream: AfroEconomics Entrepreneur Membership - Get Started Now...... OPEN MEMBERS MEETING at 9 AM.
01/29/2025 The Stock Market & Black Swan Events. Exploring the history of Stock Market Volatility. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
01/27/2025 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Monday Morning 9 AM EST. Virginia This Morning. Retirement Plan Updates. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
01/24/2025 Trump Administration: Financial Implications. Stocks, Interest Rates, Cypto, Entrepreneurship...... MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
01/22/2025 Retirement Super Catch-Up: New for 2025. Get the details on the NEW tiered catch-up contribution for workers participating in 401(k), 403(b), governmental 457 plans, and TSP. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
01/17/2025 AfroEconomics 30th Year Health Challenge: For Members Only. Activities and Health Goals. 10th Principle of AfroEconomics: Black Health Black Wealth. Get the details FRIDAY, MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM. Plus, update on my USA Track and Field 2025 Season.
01/15/2025 The Social Security Fairness Act of 2025. The Government says "It will undoubtedly take time to implement The Social Security Fairness Act because it impacts about 2 million beneficiaries." AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
01/12/2025 Sunday at Sunrise..... Be Fearless: It is Possible. The Crisis of Living in Fear - those who benefit from your PAIN. 10 Key Ways to Overcome all of Your Fears. Inspired by Luke 12:7. #JBBRYAN
01/10/2025 Asset Allocation: Exploring Risk and Asset Classes. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
01/08/2025 Understanding Asset Allocation. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
01/03/2025 Membership Tool #1: Our Financial Planning Software. Friday, January 3, 2024 : MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
12/29/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
12/24/2024 Strength in Unity: The Importance of the Black Family. Celebrate the strengths and resilience of Black family structures. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
12/22/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
12/20/2024 Holiday Dress up Party! Colorful, Seasonal, Kwanzaa Colors. Let's CELEBRATE! Share our 2024 Achievements. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
12/18/2024 The 4% Rule: Is it still relevant? Research suggests it may not work for you. 5 key factors to consider when taking withdrawals from your investments. Strategies to protect your income over the long term. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
12/15/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
12/13/2024 Health Insurance : People in poorer health are more likely to report problems. Recent survey found more than HALF Insured Adults say they have had a problem with their Health Insurance in the past year. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
12/11/2024 2024 State of Black Business Report. Why are Black Americans drastically underrepresented among business owners relative to our share of the population? Why are Black Businesses more likely to be shut out of traditional funding opportunities? #JBBRYAN
12/08/2024 Sunday at Sunrise..... Stay the Course. Proverbs 4:25 We have so many opportunities to give up and they grow with each day - let's be filled with true ENCOURAGEMENT. The courage and faith found through GOD. #JBBRYAN
12/06/2024 10 Healthy Habits for the Holidays. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
12/04/2024 How do you picture your future? What do you absolutely need to accomplish? How much do you anticipate spending? How are you preparing for your future? Questions that Create Action Steps. AfroEconomics LIVE!
12/01/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
11/29/2024 Zoom Meeting: The Importance of Setting Goals for 2025. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
11/27/2024 Healthspan vs Lifespan. Add Life to your years. Fighting for Good Health. A life long commitment and the challenges along the way. Keeping Healthy Habits. New Research on the importance of a health span mindset. #AfroEconomics LIVE!
11/22/2024 10+ Year-End Financial Tips: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
11/20/2024 Tax Update: What To Do If You Get Mail From the IRS? The IRS sends letters and notices for many different reasons. Some letters need a response or action item, while some are to keep you informed. Key things to do if you receive mail from the IRS.
11/17/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
11/15/2024 FAQS: Top 10 Questions Most Investors Asked in 2024 - Get the Answers. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
11/13/2024 Wealth vs. Credit Card Balances: Households in the upper-middle of the income distribution are most likely to have credit card debt, Why? And 78% Black of cardholders carry a balance. According to the Federal Reserve. #JBBRYAN
11/12/2024 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Tuesday Morning 9 AM EST. Virginia This Morning. Tomorrow's show promises to make you smile. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
11/10/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
11/08/2024 Understanding the DJIA. Dow Jones Industrial Average: BIG Changes this Friday. Get the details at our MEMBERS ONLY MEETING Friday at 9 AM. #JBBRYAN
11/06/2024 And the WINNER IS ....... Who is Our Next President? Key Financial priorities for the next President. Tax Laws Expiring? ? De-Regulation or Regulation? Tech guidelines? What about Stocks, AI, Crypto, Real Estate? AfroEconomics LIVE!
11/03/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
11/01/2024 The weaponizing of the judicial system in 2024. Meanwhile Georgia stops the longest running trial in GA history. Replacement Judge accepts "nolo contendere pleas". What is that? The MASSIVE cost of going to court? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
10/30/2024 Political Control: What are SuperPacs? Why are Super Pacs allowed? Do we need campaign reform? How much has been raised? Is it the money or the people that pick the President? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
10/27/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/25/2024 What's most important - faith or finances to get your vote? Your Faith, Your Vote. What is your priority in voting? Is God in the equation? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
10/23/2024 Cybersecurity Awareness: Key ways to Stay Safe Online. Check out how to protect your financial information from those who want to steal it. Our Special Guest, Shana S., Cybersecurity Expert. AfroEconomics LIVE!
10/20/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/18/2024 Understanding Social Security Contributions while working. The payroll tax limit increases in 2025. Join me and get all the details. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
10/16/2024 A look at Vice President Harris' Opportunity Agenda for Black Men. AfroEconomics LIVE!
10/13/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/11/2024 The Top 5 Things I need to know and understand about YOU. #1. Your Goals. Let's discuss the "Top 5 Things" Friday at 9 AM. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
10/09/2024 Mastering Property Insurance: Properly Protecting Your Property. Understanding the growing risks of extreme weather. Why are home insurance rates going so high? What if extreme weather conditions causes water damage? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
10/06/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/04/2024 What are unrealized investment gains? Will they be taxed in 2025? Understanding Unrealized Capital Gains. How would it be calculated at tax time? Will it happen? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM.
10/02/2024 Understanding Social Security: Discover breakeven ages. Do you qualify? What is the Cumulative Lifetime Social Security Benefit? What is the best age to start? AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/29/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
09/27/2024 A look at the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) during the past year in the US tech industry. But, why are Europe–and other parts of the world–lagging behind in AI innovation and adoption? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at Friday 9 AM.
09/25/2024 Double Income No Kids & Single Income No Kids: Navigating Modern Financial Choices and Lifestyle Decisions. AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/22/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
09/20/2024 Bridging the Wealth Gap: The Case for Reparations in Presidential Campaigns Exploring the Impact of Reparations on Economic Equity and Business Success . MEMBERS ONLY meeting at 9 AM let's delve into critical questions to BUILD our future.
09/18/2024 Costly Shortcuts: What's limiting your Financial Life? Check out the Top 5 Shortcuts that are Costing You the MOST! AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/15/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
09/13/2024 Let's Talk..... Join me for our MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM on FRIDAY. Understanding Growth Investing. What historically has been the best at out pacing INFLATION? Understanding Inflation: What is buying power?
09/11/2024 The Cost of Mis-Information and Dis-Information. What are the biggest lies in Health and Wealth? How much is misinformation costing us? Discover why people tend to share and engage more with false or low-quality info before - facts. #JB
09/08/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
09/06/2024 Understanding Taxes: Hunter pleads guilty to TAX charges. Let's discuss the details and what went wrong. AfroEconomics MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
09/04/2024 Gratitude: A key to Financial Independence. Steps to developing a mindset of graditude that will BUILD our financial fitness. AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/01/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
08/30/2024 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
08/28/2024 Financial Perception vs Financial Reality: Mercator Projection Analogy. A look at the lies that keep millions of professionals Broke and Angry. #AfroEconomics #JB
08/25/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
08/23/2024 The biggest threats to your Finances. Check out how to PROTECT your funds. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Friday at 9 AM.
08/21/2024 10 signs you may have too much debt. Income matters in your ability to pay off debt. Find out what's most important, your amount of debt or your ability to pay the debt off? AfroEconomics LIVE!
08/19/2024 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Tuesday Morning 9 AM EST. Virginia This Morning. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
08/18/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
08/16/2024 Cybersecurity Awareness and Privacy Protection Tips. A new report says, nearly 3 billion Social Security numbers, and financial data was compromised. Let's discuss how this could happen. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
08/14/2024 Black Labor & Labor Unions: In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson established the Office of the Director of Negro Economics, also known as the Division of Negro Economics. How has it impacted Black Labor today? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
08/11/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
08/09/2024 Which Presidential candidate is best for the ECONOMY, according to a recent survey? Why is inflation and cost of living still the biggest issue? Steps to increase income in a tight job market. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM EST. #JBBRYAN
08/07/2024 How bad do you want it ? Anyone can dream. But are you willing to do what it takes to achieve it ? Keys to reaching your GOALS. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
08/04/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
08/02/2024 Mr. Lee dies. Mr. Lee's Son Got EVERYTHING. The problem.... Mr. Lee had no children! Estate Planning Case study for this week. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at FRIDAY 9 AM.
07/31/2024 The Cost of Living: How much is enough to cover costs for necessities like groceries, housing, utilities, car expenses, discretionary spending and savings over a 25-year retirement? AfroEconomics LIVE!
07/26/2024 Public Policy and Your Money. Understanding the Central Banking System. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING, Friday at 9 AM.
07/24/2024 Black Voter Economic Policy Priorities: 2024. A Recent Survey , American voters are about evenly split between the two major Political Parties. Black voters continue to have a long time Party Preference. Is that changing? AfroEconomics LIVE!
07/21/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
07/20/2024 A Cyber Outage has Disrupted the Globe: A look at the technical mistake - that has paralyzed airlines, banks, state agencies and even emergency services around the world. What's the financial impact? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 10 AM.
07/20/2024 A Cyber Outage has Disrupted the Globe: A look at the technical mistake - that has paralyzed airlines, banks, state agencies and even emergency services around the world. What's the financial impact? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
07/19/2024 How to avoid falling behind on car, mortgage, loan payments: 3 Key Steps. Repos are UP. Plus, The 10 Principles of AfroEconomics. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
07/17/2024 Hustle Culture vs. The Soft Life Movement. An Inside look at the life of a Soft Life Enthusiast. A look at Success through the new Soft Life lens. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
07/14/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
07/10/2024 Black men have the highest unemployment rates among all demographic groups. Black women are close behind. Check out "How to STOP Black unemployment". AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
07/08/2024 JB Bryan on CBS 6 at 9 AM EST. " The Tax Time Bomb". Monday on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
07/07/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
07/05/2024 What is YOUR definition of Financial Independence? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
07/03/2024 Financial Independence Day! What's the key? Why are thousands of home "buyers" being hit with higher monthly payments? Why is Sports Betting so popular? Define Financial Independence. AfroEconomics #JBBRYAN
06/30/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
06/28/2024 Tax Time Bomb: The work we do to AVOID IT especially during retirement. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at Friday at 9 AM.
06/26/2024 Minding Your Business: Things You Should Never Tell. Defining Sensitive Information. Impact of Social Media & Your Privacy. Mastering Confidentiality. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
06/23/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
06/22/2024 6 Reasons A Mid-Year Check-In Is A Smart Idea. Saturday - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 10 AM. HALF TIME. Our half year UPDATE.
06/19/2024 The Movement from Good to GREAT. Greatness is a journey of continuous improvement. This Juneteenth check out my 5 SIMPLE Steps from Good to Great! AfroEconomics LIVE. #JBBRYAN
06/17/2024 JB Bryan on CBS. " The Election Year and Your Finances". Monday on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
06/16/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
06/14/2024 Stocks. Inflation. Interest Rates. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
06/12/2024 "Fake Rich". Bloomberg reports that over 30 million Americans are "Fake Rich". Let's discuss how "fake rich" may harm your health. Exploring the importance of removing Financial Stressors to protect your Mental Health and Physical Health.
06/09/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
06/07/2024 Understanding the NYSE. Why did the NYSE technical error cause the MARKET TUMBLE on MONDAY? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING on FRIDAY at 9 AM.
06/05/2024 The Top 10%: Wealth Goals by Age Group. Where does the majority of our wealth come from? Check out the research on where you stand and wealth tips to go ALL the Way UP! #AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
06/02/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
05/31/2024 Let's Talk..... Bonds. Understanding the relationship of Bonds with Interest Rates. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING Friday at 9 AM.
05/29/2024 Benefits & Challenges of Automation. Artificial intelligence becomes more popular everyday - there are limitations. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
05/26/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
05/24/2024 Respected Black Professionals of Today: What is REQUIRED? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM EST. Can a business recover from bankruptcy? Does a stock price matter more than earnings? Why are consumer debts continuing to escalate?
05/22/2024 Discover "Habit Shaping" for Financial Independence. AfroEconomics is designed to help investors build and enhance specific habits for Wealth Management. Give yourself permission to change behaviors that aren't serving YOU financially. #JBBRYAN #Progress
05/19/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
05/17/2024 LIVE from NYC: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
05/15/2024 Mortgage market changes, Interest rates, Housing Prices, Home Sales. Why have many banks stopped doing mortgage loans? Why are homeowners holding onto their equity? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
05/12/2024 You are ROYALTY. A commitment to excellence - allows me to serve Kings and Queens. The members of AfroEconomics are statistical anamolies. Proverbs 22:29. Sunday at Sunrise.....
05/10/2024 A BUSINESS vs. A Hobby : This week's MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM EST.
05/09/2024 The Carl Nelson Show welcomes back JB Bryan on MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN - STREAMING LIVE at 6 AM. CLICK BELOW TO JOIN-IN. CHAT. SHARE. SUBSCRIBE. #JBBRYAN
05/08/2024 How To Change Our Limiting Beliefs. 4-Day Work Week: Pros and Cons. Why do the majority of workers surveyed love the idea? How might it help employers? Who may be harmed by the change? AfroEconomics LIVE!
05/05/2024 Power: Discovering your Strength. Finding Fulfillment. Inspired by John 10:18. This Sunday at Sunrise.....
05/04/2024 Saturday: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Zoom Saturday Morning at 10 AM.
05/02/2024 Key steps to become a millionaire using a 401(k), TSP, and IRA. Workplace retirement plans can be an effective financial tool. This week's discussion reviews smart money moves for accumulating assets. Plus, how to make job changes WORK for you? #JBBRYAN
04/28/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
04/26/2024 Stock Market Update. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Empowerment at 9 AM.
04/24/2024 Understanding Life Insurance: Q & A. Can Life Insurance help Build Wealth? What's a rider? Term vs. Permanent? Who really needs it? How much ? How much will it cost? Should I be the owner or beneficiary? #JB AfroEconomics LIVE!
04/21/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
04/19/2024 Jontay Porter: A Golden Child Banned. The Cost and Risks of Gambling. Investing vs. GAMBLING MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
04/17/2024 The Power in the PIVOT: YOUR American Dream. The Message - The Lesson - The Sacrifice. Building Wealth can't be RUSHED. Understanding every single detail and the commitment required. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
04/14/2024 Why do people give up on their goals? How far can faith take YOU? Is God limited? Who do you go to for answers? Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. #JBBRYAN
04/13/2024 Health & Wealth. TAKING ACTION! Your health will be your BEST investment in the long term. Our AfroEconomics Member Coach Tripp will share his powerful fitness tips. It's Family Time - Our MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Lunch, Speakers, Q & A, Networking.
04/12/2024 Saturday Luncheon in DC. - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING in DC Office this Saturday. Check calendar and email for Saturday event.
04/10/2024 Is Income connected to GREAT health? Is Wealth connected to good health? According to research, healthier people live longer and earn more! Income, Wealth, and Health - PLUS Preparing for LIVE in the DC Office Saturday. AfroEconomics LIVE!
04/07/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
04/05/2024 Assets vs. Income : Understanding the Difference. W-2 vs. 1099. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Empowerment at 9 AM.
04/03/2024 Stocks vs. Bonds: The Pros and Cons. This week JB will explore each type of investment, and you will discover the potential rewards and risks for stocks and bonds investments. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
03/31/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
03/29/2024 No MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Good Friday Holiday - STOCK MARKET CLOSED. May we use this time to reflect on our many Blessings. Lets take a moment to write down all the people, places, and things for which we are grateful. I appreciate YOU, JB Bryan.
03/27/2024 Entrepreneurs Report Less Stress & Better Health. JB Bryan explains “How launching a business offers greater financial stability than working for an employer”. 5+ Key reasons to start your own business. AfroEconomics LIVE! #BusinessLaunch #JBBRYAN
03/24/2024 Peace = Power + Growth+ Freedom “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” (Viktor Frankl ) - This Sunday at Sunrise..... 2 Thessalonians 3:16 .
03/22/2024 Men vs Women: Emotional intelligence (EQ) and performance at work. A look at the Research. Strengthening our 4 Key Areas of Emotional Intelligence for Wealth Development. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
03/20/2024 Health & Wealth: Oprah is WRONG! Key ways to BUILD your health and WEALTH. Preparing our portfolio and our lifestyle for the SPRING! How to keep them BOTH moving. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
03/18/2024 JB Bryan talks.... " How to better understand your next home Mortgage". Monday on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
03/17/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
03/15/2024 Getting UNSTUCK! MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
03/13/2024 Facing the Cost of College vs. YOUR Retirement. Higher Education Expert Joe Barden in the studio with JB Bryan - to share advice on finding the resources and tools to REDUCE the cost and expenses for a great education. AfroEconomics LIVE!
03/10/2024 Celebrating 29 Years in Business on My Birthday. Sunday at Sunrise..... Inspired by 1 Corinthians 9:24-25.
03/08/2024 Don't Block Growth Opportunities: Determining what's Best for YOU. Our MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Friday at 9 AM.
03/06/2024 Doing a NEW THING! Creating Positive Change: Steps to Improve Your Finances Immediately. AfroEconomics LIVE!
03/04/2024 JB Bryan talks.... "Your Beneficiaries and Financial Planning". Monday on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
03/03/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
03/01/2024 Do you have an LLC? Corporate Transparency Act : BOI ( Beneficial Ownership Information) New LLC and Corporate Requirements. Get the Details. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
02/28/2024 10 Life Lessons from My Momma. How do we become who we are? Who gives us the financial habits we follow? Can we ever repay a good Mother for all that she has done? Is it a sacrifice, a life choice, or a gift? How are we socialized financially? #JB
02/25/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
02/23/2024 MEMBERS EMPOWERMENT: QUEST FOR EXTRAORDINARY. Can we do less and accomplish more? Are you doing too much? Why more is often LESS? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
02/21/2024 What is "Standing on Business" ? Today's Black Professional. Are we in touch with the expectations? Are high expectations a priviledge or a penalty? Do we have a sense of entitlement? Are there double standards ? AfroEconomics LIVE!
02/18/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
02/16/2024 Is a Safe Deposit Box Safe? Where should you store items? How long to keep documents? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
02/14/2024 Family Finances: 10 Good Reasons to Invest. Why are millions still not investing? What's LOVE got to do with it? When is the best time to start talking about money? AfroEconomics LIVE!
02/11/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
02/09/2024 Financial 911: Avoid these 5 Financial Moves! MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
02/07/2024 Passive Income: What is it? How to create it? Tax Treatment of Passive Income. Top Forms of Passive Income for 2024. AfroEconomics LIVE!
02/05/2024 JB Bryan talks.... "Pros and Cons of High Yield Savings Accounts". Monday on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
02/04/2024 SUNDAY MORNING- MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 10 AM. Update on Regulators & BITCOIN ETF and The Pros and Cons of High Yield Savings Accounts. #JBBRYAN
02/03/2024 Party with a PURPOSE! Members Only Meeting Richmond Office Saturday, February 3, 2023 at 10 AM. Open House. Location: 3900 Westerre Parkway, Suite 300, Richmond, Virginia 23233. (Secured building bring ID)
01/31/2024 TONIGHT Banking Insight: De-Banking, De-Risking, UnBanked and UnderBanked. Can banks close accounts without giving a reason and without the ability to appeal? Can De-banking have severe consequences for individuals? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
01/28/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
01/26/2024 Financial Data for 2024: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM. Online and LIVE! Download provided in the morning. #JBBRYAN
01/24/2024 High Expectations require HIGH Standards. Have you lowered your standards? What are the Business Standards of Today? Check out these 10 ways to Level UP every aspect of your LIFE. #JBBRYAN
01/21/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
01/19/2024 Topic: Do you ask enough questions? Are you getting the details? Join me for our MEMBERS ONLY MEETING LIVE at 9 AM.
01/17/2024 2024 Digital Identity Protection : Frauds and Scams. Tips on how to protect yourself and your family. AfroEconomics LIVE!
01/15/2024 KING DAY 2024: Income IN-EQUALITY is GROWING. Why is it NOT a priority? Do we expect too much from the Government? Check out these steps to increase YOUR income and wealth. The SECRET to overcoming INEQUALITY? #JBBRYAN #AfroEconomics
01/14/2024 Sunday at Sunrise.....
01/12/2024 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM. Annoucing OUR ALL DAY Super Bowl Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 ( Richmond, Virginia Office) . Plus, Founder's Luncheon in DC office on Saturday, March 9th, 2024. Every month in 2024 we will have a gathering! April NYC !
01/10/2024 TAX GUIDE Tax Season 2024. Check out how tax filing may look different this tax year and what you can do to prepare. Attend to get the 2024 Tax Guide. #JBBRYAN
01/08/2024 The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. MONDAY at 6 AM. It's LIVE right here! CLICK BELOW TO JOIN-IN. #JBBRYAN
01/05/2024 Income, Wealth, and your Health. Let's discuss the academic research findings from Urban Institute and VCU. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM. Holiday Party Prizes are going out FRIDAY!
01/03/2024 JB's Magnificent 10. Check out these 10 attributes that make an investment MAGNIFICENT. Let's talk about innovation, market presence, management, financial performance, research, economic conditions, risk/volatility, and MORE!
01/01/2024 Your Path to FREEDOM: BUILDING WEALTH 2024. Growth is REQUIRED. Let's discuss 2023 and my Outlook for 2024. The curriculum for the year ahead includes a renewed COMMITMENT to SUCCESS. Refining the process. #DETERMINATION #JBBRYAN
12/31/2023 NYE: The best is yet to come. This Sunday at Sunrise on New Year's Eve. Inspired by Philippians 1:6.
12/29/2023 NEW YEAR'S DAY - MEMBERS MEETING and MORE - MONDAY New Year's Day. No meeting this final week of December.
12/28/2023 Retirement Planning: JB on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. #WTVR #JBBRYAN
12/27/2023 Thank you for a wonderful year of WEALTH DEVELOPMENT. See you again LIVE on Monday, January 1, 2024 at Noon.
12/24/2023 Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Broken Heart Syndrome. .... This Christmas Eve Sunday at Sunrise..... King Solomon said it best: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23) Gye Nyame - Principle 5.
12/22/2023 Holiday Party !!! $100 Prize, $50 Prize $25 PRIZES !!! Plus, BEST DRESSED AWARD. Holiday attire encouraged. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING FRIDAY at 9 AM EST. ONLINE with camera.
12/21/2023 JB on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. Thursday's topic: "More than 230,000 Americans move to retire each year. Relocating for retirement can sometimes save you money. What are some key financial considerations?" #WTVR #JBBRYAN
12/20/2023 Thank you for a wonderful year of WEALTH DEVELOPMENT. See you again LIVE on Monday, January 1, 2024 at Noon.
12/17/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
12/15/2023 Stocks are moving higher and interest rates are going down. What does that mean for 2024? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
12/13/2023 Goal Setting: The Power is in the Process. Detailing key steps of Increasing Income, Wealth Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship. Check out how all of our goals are connected. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
12/10/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
12/08/2023 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM. Let's talk "Calculating Your Real Wealth".
12/06/2023 Generational Health & Generational Wealth: Principle 10 of AfroEconomics. How much has medical history cost your family? Genetics or Lifestyle: Which Matters More? Can Life Insurance replace the need for good Health by creating WEALTH?#JB
12/01/2023 Year-End: Financial Checklist. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
11/29/2023 Enthusiasm: What is it really? Check out how to make it work for YOU. How does enthusiasm impact your wealth? Your relationships? Your career? Your dreams? Your legacy? Discover how to use ENTHUSIASM correctly. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
11/26/2023 Contentment: Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without. Inspired by 2 Corinthians 6:10. "Having nothing, and yet possessing all things". Sunday at Sunrise..... The Soul of Your Money.
11/22/2023 The History of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. AfroEconomics LIVE!
11/19/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
11/17/2023 SPEND on things that IMPROVE your life and make you happier. Discover the top 5. Is Wall Street on the MOVE? Stocks. Bonds. Interest Rates. Politics. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
11/15/2023 Gratitude: YOU are wealthier than most. 62% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day, and 85% live on less than $30, according to the World Economic Forum. The importance of improving our financial perspective. AfroEconomics LIVE! #Gratitude
11/13/2023 The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. MONDAY, November 13, 2023 at 6 AM. It's LIVE right here! CLICK BELOW TO JOIN-IN. #JBBRYAN
11/12/2023 Spiritual Companionship: Threefold cord is not quickly broken. Inspired by Ecclesiastes 4:12. Strengthen one another Spiritually. Motivate you to stay the course. Tell you the TRUTH when you need it most. Sunday at Sunrise..... 7 AM EST. #JBBRYAN
11/10/2023 Strengthening Our MIND: The Key to Smart Money Moves. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
11/08/2023 Are Real Estate fees too high? YES. A court says by $ 1.8 Billion. Update: Credit card balances HIGHER in the 3rd quarter - a $1.08 TRILLION record high. Too many are spending down their savings and turning to credit cards to make ends meet.
11/05/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
11/03/2023 Moat Companies vs. Zombie Companies. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM EST.
11/01/2023 The POWER of OUR MIND: OUR LIFE, OUR GOALS, OUR CHOICES. Legacy & The importance of Financial Independence. What is your definition of FREEDOM? Do you enjoy your work? Life Lessons and TRUTHS. AfroEconomics LIVE!
10/29/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/27/2023 EVs are they on the way out? What do you think? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
10/25/2023 The Revolution will NOT be FINANCED! Financial Independence by definition does not include unnecessary DEBT. What debt is necessary? Is Financial Success just a look? Or a LIFESTYLE? AfroEconomics LIVE!
10/22/2023 The Best Things in Life are not Things: Biblical Financial Empowerment. Inspired by Ecclesiastes 6:9 (Enjoy Your Blessings). Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/20/2023 Pros and Cons: The impact of high interest rates. Why have Big Banks cut 20,000 jobs? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
10/18/2023 Steps to Financial Strength. Can you stop spending for 30 days or more? Check out key ways to avoid consumerism and reach Financial Independence. James Baldwin wrote "You were not expected to aspire to excellence." But we are! #JBBRYAN
10/15/2023 Economic Emancipation: A Living Wage is BIBLICAL . Inspired by Matthew 20:1-16. According to Scripture, not paying a living wage is stealing, a full week of labor and not compensating workers with the basic life needs is unjust. Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/13/2023 The U.S. Economy: What is the difference between a hard landing and soft landing? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
10/11/2023 Why are so many Mortgage applications being rejected for insufficient income? Refinancing and Purchases. Discover how to increase your income and build WEALTH. Think on this : Is buying a home best for you? Is it time to SELL? #JBBRYAN
10/08/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
10/06/2023 IRS CHANGES TAX BRACKETS FOR 2023: Understanding Tax Brackets & New Standard Deductions. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
10/04/2023 How to REALLY Be Your Own Bank. Financial Impact of Higher Interest Rates: Inflation? Debts? Business Growth? The Relationship between Bond Prices and Interest Rates?
10/01/2023 Jesus Walked: Inspired by 1 John 2:6. "He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked." Sunday at Sunrise.....#JBBRYAN
09/29/2023 The BENEFITS of higher interest rates. Stocks: Is this really a BEAR MARKET bounce? What is the probability of a RECESSION? What is the impact of our Nation's TRILLIONS in Debt? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
09/27/2023 Do you overvalue your real estate? Plus, the federal government is headed to a shutdown. What does that mean, what’s next? Retirement Security - WATCH BELOW. Plus, Register for AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/24/2023 Faith: How much is enough? How much do we need? Thankful for our experiences good and not-so-good every moment of life can reveal the presence of God. Inspired by PROVERBS 16:3. Expect a Miracle. Sunday at Sunrise.....#JBBRYAN
09/22/2023 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST. Stress Management. What's most important "yesterday, today, or tomorrow"? What is your Financial Point of View (FPV)? How much time do you spend thinking about what really matters to YOU? #JBBRYAN
09/20/2023 Money in Politics: How are campaigns funded? Check out how to ensure that our government serves the people - not just extremely wealthy special interests. Promoting transparency? Limiting SuperPACs? What is dark money? #JBBRYAN AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/19/2023 The Carl Nelson Show TUESDAY MORNING at 7 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. Let's Talk.... JB Bryan talks about INFLATION-fighting strategies. TUESDAY, September 19, 2023 at 7 AM. It's LIVE right here! CLICK BELOW TO JOIN-IN. #JBBRYAN
09/18/2023 JB on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. This week's topic: Why do so many say "Retirement security will take a miracle”? What's the biggest financial fear of retirees? #JBBRYAN
09/17/2023 Lead with your LIFE. The importance of Integrity and Character. The foundation for trust in our life & work. A discussion of action steps for maintaining a life of Integrity TODAY. This Sunday at Sunrise..... #JBBRYAN #Principle5
09/15/2023 Q3 Market Update. Tiffany, Craig, and Monica win the Summer Health Challenge. Plus, What is the #1 mistake that doctors say "will make you age faster:? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
09/13/2023 Financially stressed and living Pay Check to Pay Check? A Recent survey found that most Americans are financially stressed out. JB will share the top financial stressors and key ways to stay in financial peace. #JBBRYAN
09/10/2023 Sunday at Sunrise..... Family Protection Plan: Matthew 21:13 And said unto them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer - but ye have made it a den of thieves. Discover key steps to protecting yourself and your family. #JB
09/08/2023 Tech Support: Using Technology for your Benefit. Plus, Cybersecurity, Emails, and Online Banking. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
09/06/2023 Capital Preservation Investment Strategy: The Pro’s and Con’s. Discover capital preservation and growth strategies as an inflation hedge. Plus, discover how to avoid some of the biggest mistakes investors make. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
09/01/2023 Financial Fitness Test! MEMBERS ONLY MEETING this FRIDAY at 9 AM EST. Quiz is sent only to Members that Register. See you in the MORNING!
08/30/2023 Car loans, student loans, credit cards and retirement savings: An Inside Look. Car buyers have filed numerous lawsuits and complaints nationwide against several different lenders. School loan payments are BACK and Credit Card Debt HIGHEST EVER! #JBBRYAN
08/29/2023 Summer Health Challenge 2023 (6/23 to 8/31). Points based. Max Points 50 per day. Points turned in each FRIDAY. Sign up TODAY! CHECK-IN MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - EACH FRIDAY at 9 AM EST. Look out for the Fall Fitness Focus DETAILS!
08/25/2023 The Cost of Loneliness: Workers, Retirees, and Isolation. Importance of Social Interaction. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
08/23/2023 The 50/30/20 Budget Rule. Most of us need some way of seeing where our money is going each month. A budget can help us feel more in control of our finances and make it easier to save money for our goals. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
08/18/2023 The Economics of Dating: Gender Norms are Changing. Is it fair for men to always pay for the first date? Plus, Dow Update, the Job Risk of working from home & Interest Rates Update. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
08/16/2023 Are U.S. Banks in trouble? What are they doing wrong? CHARGES? ERRORS? SECURITY? TECHNICAL ISSUES? TOP 10 Banks - Moody's expected to lower Bank ratings. What is the future of our Banking Industry? AfroEconomics LIVE!
08/15/2023 The Carl Nelson Show TUESDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. Let's Talk.... Does the "Black Tax" continue to create a massive financial burden on Black American households today? CLICK BELOW TO JOIN-IN. #JBBRYAN
08/11/2023 Gold vs. The Stock Market: MEMBERS ONLY - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
08/09/2023 STAND UP: What do you do when you see injustice? What will you sacrifice for justice and freedom? Debt freedom Part II: Credit Card Debt over $1 Trillion !! And more people are paying LATE. I saw this coming. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
08/04/2023 Life & Wealth saving tips! Being consistent creates a habit: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST. Join me to discuss the power of CONSISTENCY.
08/02/2023 10 Debt Freedom Tips. The US Credit Score was LOWERED! Fitch Ratings downgraded the United States due to “expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, an erosion of governance and a growing general debt burden." AfroEconomics LIVE!
07/29/2023 Family Finances: Investments, Insurance, Taxes, & Generational Wealth.
07/28/2023 Is the Dow Unstoppable? The importance of meeting with JB for one-on-one time. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
07/26/2023 Improving inflation? TODAY The Federal Reserve is still expected to approve what would be the 11th interest rate increase since March 2022. How are interest rates impacting your Finances? #JBBRYAN AfroEconomics LIVE!
07/21/2023 12 NOON - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING this FRIDAY at 12 Noon. LIVE from USATF - Summer Health Challenge Check-In. SIGN UP NOW. My Track events: Thursday - 100M. Friday ShotPut plus, Sprint Relay 4X100 Friday night, Saturday the Weight Throw and Sunday AWARDS!
07/19/2023 LIVE from the USA Track and Field Nationals. Check out why I am learning all these sports. What is the impact of placing your health as a priority? How does better health increase wealth? Does our health impact our behavior and priorities? #JBBRYAN
07/14/2023 Black Men and Skin Cancer. Let's talk .....New research and skin cancer prevention. Summer Health Challenge. Protecting our Health & Wealth. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
07/12/2023 Rough day at work? Black workers are unhappy at their Job, according to a recent survey. Check out some of the reasons why about 50% of us are ready to go. Is it possible to get what you want? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
07/10/2023 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. Monday's topic: Do Debt Relief Plans Affect Credit? Debt relief can be good and bad for your credit score —it all depends on which method you choose. Discover your options. #JBBRYAN
07/10/2023 The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. Let's Talk...... Why is the Queen of Soul's Estate still in the courts? Can this be avoided? Plus, Real Estate and Interest Rates #JBBRYAN #AfroEconomics
07/07/2023 Real Estate Talk: The Golden handcuff effect & 30-year mortgage hits 7.22%. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
07/05/2023 Marriage & Your Money: Why are less Black people getting married? The impact financially. The Pros and Cons of Marriage and Your Finances. AfroEconomics LIVE!
06/30/2023 Members Only Meeting: Supreme Court rejects affirmative action at colleges, says schools can’t consider race in admission. Does diversity matter in education? The workplace? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
06/28/2023 Social Responsibility & Business. A recent study says, 83% of professional investors are more inclined to invest in stock of a company well known for its social responsibility. A look at Social Responsibility.
06/21/2023 Is Sitting Getting on Your Nerves? Black Health Black Wealth. Protecting your FINANCES from the expenses of ILLNESSES. AfroEconomics LIVE!
06/16/2023 The Stock Market and Interest Rates: What's the connection? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
06/14/2023 MID-YEAR FINANCIAL CHECK-UP. AfroEconomics LIVE!
06/12/2023 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. Monday's topic: The increasing cost of Health Insurance. Key questions to answer when selecting Health Insurance for your Family.
06/12/2023 JB on The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. Talking.... Health Insurance, jobs report, interest rates, wall street market rebounding, AI and your finances. #JBBRYAN #AfroEconomics
06/09/2023 Understanding Health Insurance Options including Medicare. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING Friday at 9 AM.
06/07/2023 Intellectual Property as an Asset. Check out why we must understand and explore the four main types of intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
06/03/2023 Saturday MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 10 AM. Building the foundation of your Financial Future.
05/31/2023 FIGHT BACK! Politics and your Portfolio. Strategies to protect your Financial Plan from Congress. AfroEconomics LIVE!
05/26/2023 Friday MORNING - Celebrating Rev. Andrew Bozeman! Happy Birthday to a Father of AfroEconomics !!!! Building a Legacy and Lifestyle Planning. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
05/24/2023 Social Security Optimization: Advanced Retirement Planning. Key ways to include your social security in Income Planning. A look at a few of the questions and answers required to plan your retirement lifestyle. AfroEconomics LIVE!
05/19/2023 Joy vs. Pleasure Seeking. Life choices and Our Finances. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
05/17/2023 Holistic financial advice — means guidance focused on savings, debt and insurance, and investments. Holistic Financial Advisors can help clients increase their income by at least 7% according to a UCLA business professor. Wednesday Night LIVE! #JBBRYAN
05/15/2023 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. Monday's topic: How has AI transformed financial planning so far? A look at the benefits and limitations of using artificial intelligence in managing your money.
05/12/2023 U.S. Debt Ceiling Debate: What does it mean to your portfolio? Jobs? Rates? Social Security? Medicare? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
05/10/2023 A New Survey says "More Americans say financial woes are hurting their mental health". Check out these 10 things you can do to protect your PEACE of MIND. Black Health Black Wealth. (May is Mental Health Awareness Month) #AfroEconomics #JBBRYAN
05/05/2023 AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Our Future. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM EST.
05/03/2023 Now or Later: Does everyone really need a TRUST? Is probate as bad as they say? Final Expenses: Should I pay for my funeral now? Does everyone need Life Insurance? AfroEconomics LIVE! TONIGHT at 8 PM.
05/01/2023 JB on The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. Talking.... The Power of the US Dollar and MORE! #JBBRYAN #AfroEconomics
04/26/2023 Games Employers Play. A record number of people are unhappy at work. It's time to take your POWER POSITION. The greatest power is showing that the other person doesn’t have power over you. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
04/21/2023 Understanding REAL INCOME: Are you REALLY making more money? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
04/19/2023 How to Save Your Own Life! Steps that can lower your stress level and Save Your Life. Be patient because they take practice! AfroEconomics LIVE! #BlackHealthBlackWealth
04/14/2023 Is Inflation on it's way out? A look at economic indicators. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
04/12/2023 The Gender Gap in Investment Returns: Men Get Higher Returns. Mistakes millions of women are making and key steps to avoid those mistakes. Discover what research says that men are doing that's getting many men higher returns. #JB #AfroEconomics
04/07/2023 Sacrifice: Do you commemorate Good Friday? One of the most significant days of the Christian community, Good Friday is observed as a day of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for humanity. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING at 9 AM.
04/05/2023 The US Judicial System and Black Wealth. The impact the Judicial System has had on Millions of Black Families for generations. Has the Judicial System been used as a Weapon? A look at the research and our history. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
04/03/2023 JB on The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. April is Financial Empowerment (Literacy) Month!
03/31/2023 A look at Investor sentiment: Does it impact the stock market? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
03/29/2023 The Cost of Violence: Violence and its impact on our financial future. Check out why violence prevention is more important than most politicians even realize or acknowledge. AfroEconomics LIVE!
03/24/2023 REPORT on U.S. economy: Inflation UP, yet many went on a spending sprees last month, eating out at restaurants, shopping for cars, took vacations. Are you spending too much? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
03/22/2023 AfroEconomics LIVE! Check out these TOP 7 Financial MOVES that have a big impact on your finances. TONIGHT at 8 PM.
03/20/2023 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. Check out my Banking Update. The Federal Reserve’s New digital payments system promises to speed up the way money moves around the world as early as next MONTH!
03/17/2023 Tax Checklist and 2023 Tax Highlights. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
03/15/2023 AfroEconomics LIVE! Stock Market Update. Interest Rates. Banks. Inflation. Tax Strategies. Understanding FDIC vs. SIPC. Membership Benefits just got even BETTER. #JBBRYAN
03/11/2023 SATURDAY - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. "Understanding Your Bank: Friday the second-biggest bank collapsed in U.S. history happened in just 48 hours." Where do you bank? FDIC vs. SIPC Let's Talk. Prepare for MONDAY.
03/08/2023 Life Lessons : Powerful habits I have learned from the wealthiest members of AfroEconomics. Check out theses techniques that I have discovered help in wealth building, family finances, and career. #BossMoves #JBBRYAN
03/03/2023 Tax Questions & ALL 10 Principles. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 A.M.
03/01/2023 Let's celebrate ENTREPRENEURSHIP - Principle 7 of AfroEconomics. I would love for you to meet AfroEconomics member Ms. Morgan McCoy. Morgan will tell us about her business and her AMAZING stage play for us all to ENJOY! #Entrepreneurship
02/24/2023 Do we waste money? Google says share desks. Is that going too far? What can we share? Plus, Stock Market Update. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
02/22/2023 Studies found Racial, Ethnic Gaps in Retirement Savings Black and Hispanic workers lag in access to workplace savings plans. But is that really the challenge? Or are we allowing excuses? AfroEconomics has STEPS to Financial Independence!
02/20/2023 JB Bryan on CBS 6 - Virginia This Morning. Monday's topic: "Making your Workplace Retirement Plan WORK for You!" #JBBRYAN #WTVR
02/17/2023 Account Security Protocols & Consumer debt across all categories totaled $16.9 trillion, up about $1.3 trillion from a year ago as balances rose across all major categories. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
02/15/2023 Abundance or Lack: What you see is what you get! Says Eddie Robinson. Jr. , Author of Positivism and member of AfroEconomics. Our Special Guest for Making Black History this Wednesday Night at 8 PM. YOU create your LIFE. AfroEconomics LIVE!
02/13/2023 The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN with me in the studio and STREAM LIVE. Banking while BLACK: 70 year old Credit Union customer gets LOCKED Up for demanding her $$$. WHAT! #JB
02/10/2023 Biden’s proposal for the ultra-wealthy. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
02/08/2023 Who is the wealthiest Black athlete? Why is Usain Bolt missing $12 M ? History of Black Wealth. Plus, let's talk with AfroEconomics Member Coach Joe Mac..... Veteran, Author, Teacher, Scholar, Historian, Athlete! AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
02/05/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
02/03/2023 The BIGGEST Challenge of Retirement? Let's discuss the responses found in a recent survey. The Solution is here. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
02/01/2023 The Future of Black History with Entrepreneur/Leadership Coach Juan Johnson and Entrepreneur/Author Ms. Teri Cotman. Plus, our special studio guests. AfroEconomics LIVE! Developing the Mindset required for Success. #JBBRYAN
01/27/2023 A Conversation about our Nation's Debt Ceiling: Top Things We Need to Know. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING each FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
01/25/2023 Income Recomposition : Strategy for Financial Independence. It is true that 2 people can make the same Income and only 1 builds wealth. Why? Check out the keys to BUILDING ASSETS and cutting the CRAP ! AfroEconomics LIVE!
01/21/2023 AfroEconomics Empowerment Network - Members ONLY. Our Time to SHARE. Lots of Food, Music, and Fun Too. 10 AM - UNTIL ... LOL! Let's Get 2023 Started TOGETHER. (Not available ONLINE)
01/20/2023 Is GOLD the BEST hedge against inflation based on historical performance? What's in your portfolio? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM EST.
01/18/2023 Is the 529 ‘A broken promise'? The Maryland College Savings Plan has blocked parents from withdrawing money. What can parents can do about it? Let's look at 529 Plans. Are there better options for saving for your child's education?
01/15/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
01/11/2023 "I Have a Dream 2023": Understanding Income, Wealth, Power. AfroEconomics is a Movement for Economic Equality. Plus, this week's interview on the keys to Financial Maturity. And my Morning with Carl Nelson LIVE! #JBBRYAN
01/09/2023 JB Bryan visits Virginia This Morning on CBS 6. This Monday's topic: "The Top Signs YOU Have Money Maturity" #JBBRYAN #WTVR
01/09/2023 The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN with me in the studio and STREAM LIVE. Unemployment is DOWN - but not for Black Women. 2023 Financial Insight. The advantages of Money Maturity. Where are you? #JB
01/08/2023 Sunday at Sunrise.....
01/08/2023 The Carl Nelson Show " YOUR MONEY MORNING " at 6 AM. TUNE-IN from the studio and STREAM LIVE. MONDAY at Sunrise. It's LIVE right here! CLICK BELOW TO JOIN-IN. #JBBRYAN
01/06/2023 AfroEconomics: The 10th Principle Black Health Black Wealth
01/06/2023 Let's talk "Goal Based" Financial Planning 2023. Check out how it allows me to take all factors into account when planning your long-term investment strategy. Join me Friday at 9 AM for Our First MEMBERS ONLY MEETING 2023. #JBBRYAN # AfroEconomics
01/04/2023 Get your money to go farther in 2023. Step Up in 2023! 10 Ways to Invest in your Future. Smart Financial Moves for Financial Freedom. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
12/30/2022 Our MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Celebrating the "Excellence" of 2022. What are the LESSONS we have learned? What is the best way to plan 2023? What are your life priorities? I can help. #JBBRYAN
12/28/2022 A series of new laws— Secure Act 2.0—will change the way many will save for retirement starting in 2023. But it still does not help the BIG problem - just 52% of people making $50,000 or less - have access to retirement plans. Secure Act 2.0 #JBBRYAN
12/25/2022 The Perfect Gift. This Sunday at Sunrise..... Inspired by Isaiah 11: 2-3. Let's open "The Perfect Gifts" and explore our traditions. #JBBRYAN
12/23/2022 AfroEconomics: The 10th Principle Black Health Black Wealth
12/23/2022 Holiday MEMBERS ONLY MEETING! Star! Ursula! James! Congrats on your RETIREMENT! Plus, our weekly financial update.
12/21/2022 Level UP: Men and women asked for raises at the same rate this year—I know why men were more likely to get one. Plus, a new survey says 75% of employees have had an office romance, financially is "office romance" worth the risk? AfroEconomics LIVE! #JB
12/19/2022 JB Bryan visits Virginia This Morning on CBS 6. This Monday's topic: " The 2022 Investor " #JBBRYAN #WTVR
12/18/2022 Sunday at Sunrise..... Inspired by 2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth". FIND and KEEP God's Highest and Best LIFE.
12/14/2022 2022 Investor Habits. What was the most popular investment for 2022? Find out what most investors see as the biggest risk to our personal finances over the next 12 months? How much income do most need to feel rich? AfroEconomics LIVE!
12/12/2022 The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. TUNE-IN with me in the studio and STREAM LIVE. Why do half of all women surveyed say they aren't ready to retire? Update on Year-End RMDs. Charitable Distribution Options. Business Tips. Q & A.
12/11/2022 The righteous falls seven times and rises again! Proverbs 24:16 Join me this Sunday at Sunrise as we discuss "The Lessons of 2022". Sunday at Sunrise.....
12/09/2022 Savers are Spending IT: The share of retirement savers who withdrew money from a 401(k) plan to cover a financial hardship hit a record high in October, according to data from Vanguard. This FRIDAY - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
12/08/2022 What is the BEST thing that could happen? Let's focus a while on the BEST case scenarios. Understanding Behavioral Finance becomes more important the more challenging the marketplace. The benefits of a Positive Outlook. Cost of Fear. #JB
12/04/2022 How Nice are you REALLY? Inspired by Romans 12: 9 -13. Psychologists have discovered a list of personality traits of people that are more likely to be considered kind or nice. This Sunday at Sunrise let's discover our answers and scripture.
12/02/2022 Why is the AfroEconomics Membership based on Comprehensive Wealth Management? To explain JB takes a look at the moving parts which are investment management, tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning, and asset protection. TONIGHT at 8 PM.
12/02/2022 AfroEconomics MEMBERS ONLY MEETING Friday at 9 AM. Facing the Harsh Realities of Life Empower Us to Build a Plan of Action for Financial Independence. 10 Compounding Steps that pay off for LIFE!
11/30/2022 Investing for Grown Folks. The BIG Money Mistakes that Grown Folks make! What’s Age Got to Do with It? A lot! AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
11/27/2022 Too many people are sick: What can we do about it? "Are you taking steps to stay healthy? God wants us in good health. Inspired by 3 John 1:2.
11/25/2022 Enjoy the Holiday. See you next week! MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
11/24/2022 Cuffing Season: STACKING DOLLARS and Reaching Goals. AfroEconomics: The 10th Principle Black Health Black Wealth
11/23/2022 Growth Stock Investing: A Fundamental Investment Strategy. A key characteristic is that growth companies generally don't pay dividends at this stage. Check out what I look for in businesses when selecting growth stocks. AfroEconomics LIVE!
11/20/2022 Gratitude: The key to Wholeness & Wellbeing. Let’s talk about…. No more Fear and Lack, Living with gratitude, Establishing a life of abundance. Inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Join me this Sunday at Sunrise.....#JBBRYAN
11/18/2022 Entrepreneur Mindset: Audacity. Tenacity. Willpower. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
11/18/2022 Explore the role of complacency in financial crises. The Dangers of Complacency. The costs, risks, and long term impact of being complacent. Members Only Meeting Each Friday at 9 AM.
11/16/2022 Financial Markets 2022 - Final Weeks - Economic Reports & Indicators. Check out the updated year-end financial check list.
11/13/2022 The Power of Our Daily Decisions. The importance of developing a lifestyle of habits that are consistent with the word of God. The dangers of being inconsistent. Plus, the Power of spiritual goal setting. Inspired by Philippians 4:13. #JB
11/11/2022 Business Empowerment: Overcoming the Fear of REJECTION. JB shares key ways to turn business rejection into business opportunities. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
11/11/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: Headlines are not Financial Advisors. Find out why " I don't chase short term changes". Plus let's talk about our financial planning process and BUILDING sustainable wealth.
11/09/2022 NEW REPORT: 66% of American workers are worse off financially than a year ago.... according to a recent survey. I will share at least 10 key ways to protect your finances. AfroEconomics LIVE! #PLANNING #JBBRYAN
11/04/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Prepared for the Expected. Stocks fall as Fed dashes hopes for a softer interest rate policy pivot.
11/02/2022 $90 Million missing from the AME Church Pension FUND. Understanding PENSION Plan RULES. Who is responsible for your funds? Discover the rules behind Pensions and Retirement Plans. Lawsuits over pensions at AME Church move forward. AfroEconomics LIVE!
10/28/2022 Entrepreneurship: How Bad Do We Want It? JB Bryan represents commitment to business ownership and lives the steps to building and sustaining a business. NOT JUST TALK! Join to get connected to business SUCCESS. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
10/28/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Investing during a Recession. Protecting yourself against Inflation. Your Personal Health Goals. ALL Tomorrow at 9 AM. #JB
10/26/2022 Finance Class: The Difference Between Risk & Uncertainty. My goal as your Investment Advisor is to address both. It's vital that your financial advisor know YOU and understand your goals and risk tolerance. AfroEconomics LIVE!
10/24/2022 Join me on The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY MORNING at 6 AM. CLICK HERE TO TUNE-IN with me in the studio and STREAM LIVE. YEAR-END MONEY MOVES. Investment Tax Questions. Business Tips. Q & A.
10/21/2022 The Benefits of listening to MUSIC! According to John Hopkins Medical Research. Discover how listening to music may reduce your stress, blood pressure, pain, and improve your sleep and keep you YOUNG. AfroEconomics: Black Health Black Wealth
10/21/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. What's the financial impact of the changes I made this year? Taxes. Income. Insurance. Gains. Losses. Dividends. Loans.
10/19/2022 Are you happy with your family finances? Check out my quiz to get an idea of how well you manage your money. I will give you the score that best fits your current financial management practices. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JB
10/16/2022 Are you trying to fit your BIG plans into a life that's too small? Scripture for This Sunday at Sunrise - explore our daily decisions and steps to expand our LIFE EXPERIENCE. Inspired by Mark 5:36 “Do not fear, only believe.”#JBBRYAN
10/14/2022 Black Health Black Wealth with JB Bryan check out the WELLNESS research on alcohol and breast cancer (cancer.org). Studies found that "Drinking even small amounts of alcohol is linked with an increased risk of breast cancer in women." #JB
10/14/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Friday Morning : Financial Update and Year End Financial Planning. Plus, Great news about social security income for 2023!
10/12/2022 LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE: Positive experiences, like investments, can pay a dividend long after the original experience is over - in the form of happiness! These dividends increase our happiness over time through memories. Action Steps. #JBBRYAN
10/07/2022 Our Body has a Party when we SLEEP! the National Institute of Health (NIH), confirming that sleep is as important for good health as diet and exercise. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health. 10th Principle Black Health Black Wealth
10/07/2022 Understanding your appetite for Risk. How I determine your risk tolerance and why it is important. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
10/05/2022 Refuse2BeBroke.com! My Top 10 TIPS. #1 Change the way we THINK. Check out my Top 10 WEALTH Tips - Refuse2BeBroke.com. Why are so many professionals BROKE and work hard everyday? #Mindset #JBBRYAN AfroEconomics LIVE!
10/02/2022 Sunday at Sunrise..... Stupidity Stinks! Inspired by Luke 15: 11 - 32. An interesting take on Family Finances. Gratitude can be discovered through Challenges. Let's discuss emotional decisions, family finances, and Biblical teachings. #JBBRYAN
09/30/2022 My Testimony: How Powerlifting chose ME. Key Steps to Managing Your Health. AfroEconomics: Black Health Black Wealth. #JBBRYAN
09/30/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Group Discussion of the Financial Markets, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Empowerment.
09/28/2022 September is National Preparedness Month. JB along with FEMA is encouraging families and communities to be ready in case of natural disasters or other emergencies. Financially Prepared during National Preparedness Month. #JBBRYAN
09/23/2022 #1 Trait for staying Young & Attractive: Compassion. According to Research Prayer and meditations centered around compassion can impact your DNA in a positive way! #JBBRYAN
09/21/2022 Dow Jones Industrial Average : An Inside Look. DJIA is one of the most popular indicators of the health of the U.S. economy and is often used as a benchmark for other stock market indexes. 5 Things you need to know..... AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/16/2022 Hating your job may be harmful to you. According to a recent Gallup Poll, 60% of the workers surveyed reported being emotionally detached at work and 19% reported being miserable. So, If you don't like your job you are not alone. Steps FORWARD. #JB
09/16/2022 Are you getting the help or service you expect from the businesses you support? Your doctor? Restaurants? Contractors? Lawyer? The top 5 ways to get SATISFACTION - get what you want! MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Let's Talk ..... #JB
09/14/2022 CLICK HERE to watch now - The Carl Nelson Show - welcomed JB Bryan talking investments, asset allocation, financial planning, entrepreneurship, life insurance, wellness, and so much more.
09/09/2022 Sugar in my Hood: Black Health Black Wealth. Harvard Health study found people with "a high-sugar diet had a greater risk of dying from heart disease - over the course of the 15-year study." Let's celebrate your health! #JB
09/09/2022 Handling Emotions: Investor Emotional Response is one of the biggest threats to our investment strategy. Abrupt and emotional decisions can lead to financial regrets. Let's meet more often!  MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
09/07/2022 New research suggests that retirees may not need 80% of their annual income to keep their standard of living. The 80% rule is really just a guideline. It's 80% of a retiree’s final yearly gross income - not net pay. The 80% Rule: Is it really true? #JB
09/02/2022 Dash Past! Drive ON HOME! Convenience is Inconvenient. Discover the HUGE Benefits of Cooking Our Own Food. Save MONEY and YOUR Health. AfroEconomics: The 10th Principle Black Health Black Wealth
09/02/2022 AfroEconomics: The 10th Principle Black Health Black Wealth
09/02/2022 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
08/31/2022 "Where there's a will, there's a way." Estate Planning Strategies. 10 Item checklist to help every family. #JBBRYAN
08/26/2022 Our Feet Affect Our Whole Body. Feet are the body's foundation. Healthy Feet are vital to our overall health. Check out JB's tips on the signals our feet are sending us. AfroEconomics: The 10th Principle Black Health Black Wealth. #JBBRYAN
08/26/2022 Our MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Understanding the Secure Firm Portal. An explanation of why I prefer you upload information to me. A great time to get your password reset, get questions answered regarding cyber security.
08/24/2022 Red flag alert! What is the WORST financial advice you have ever received? Let's dedicate this discussion to "How to Know What Financial Advice is NOT for YOU" and CRUSH IT! #JBBRYAN
08/22/2022 JB Bryan visits Virginia This Morning - CBS 6 Monday at 9 AM to share insight from a new study on Retirement Risk with surprising details on what most retirees are getting wrong. www.JBBRYAN.com #JBBRYAN #WTVR
08/19/2022 Black Health Black Wealth .... Lets talk: The Journal of Labor Research reveals that there is a direct correlation between exercise and earning power—that those who prioritize fitness and physical activity make more money than their sedentary co-workers.
08/19/2022 Three Ways "The Inflation Act" Could Impact You. A new study reveals Retirement Financial Risks -retirees are Getting it Wrong..... #JBBRYAN
08/17/2022 The Cost of Low Self-Esteem. Check out how many opportunities are missed. For many low self-esteem may seem just a little annoying in their personal life - but can hit as downright EXPENSIVE professionally! Let’s talk....#JBBRYAN
08/12/2022 Should a Retiree Pay off the Mortgage with their Retirement Account ? At least 5 things to consider. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. #JBBRYAN
08/10/2022 Flex Zone: Common Status Symbols that are actually Slowing Your Success. Acquiring status symbols does NOT help you create wealth or achieve financial freedom. In fact, it does the opposite. Buying status slows the achievement of your Financial Goals. #JB
08/08/2022 The Carl Nelson Show WEDNESAY MORNING at 6 AM. CLICK HERE TO TUNE-IN with me in the studio and STREAM LIVE. The Carl Nelson MORNING SHOW starts a 6 AM!
08/05/2022 "LOVE is the key to great leadership and the core of a growing, competitive business." Check out how to develop a structured organization that makes sure your employees and customers feel genuinely valued. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN)
08/05/2022 Required Minimum Distributions 101 : Understanding mandatory retirement account withdrawals. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING #JBBRYAN
08/03/2022 AfroEconomics' self-compassionate approach to Financial Management. Being self-compassionate may help you have greater happiness, life satisfaction, motivation, better relationships, physical health, and be less critical. AfroEconomics LIVE!
08/01/2022 JB Bryan talks "Finding Your Money MoJo" on Virginia This Morning - CBS 6 - WTVR. MONDAY MORNING at 9 AM.
07/29/2022 ABN: Entrepreneur JB Bryan will discuss a Harvard Business Review study of the parallels of "Ali vs. Foreman" boxing styles to explain the importance of Agility and Absorption. Check out how to use both styles in your business for long-term success. "
07/29/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : 1.02 Billion Reasons to Be Prepared. Key ways to Prepare for a Financial Windfall! #AllYouDoIsWIN #JBBRYAN
07/27/2022 Financial Strategies for “Living a Purpose-Filled Life”. Often we think we have to sacrifice our dreams or delay our community service because of financial responsibilities - but you can fulfill your PURPOSE and reach your financial goals. #JBBRYAN
07/22/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Friday Morning at 9 AM. The financial experience of 2022 continues to empower us. Let's Talk: Fixed Income vs. Increasing Prices.#JBBRYAN #AfroEconomics
07/20/2022 Where can investors turn for protection? AfroEconomics LIVE! Recorded AT 2 PM.
07/15/2022 Our Businesses and Cyber security: Protecting your company and your customers. Few small business owners rate cyber threats as their top business risk. Should it be taken more seriously? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
07/15/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Why is the Federal Reserve being so aggressive?
07/13/2022 Retirement Secure Act 2.0: Security for who? Empowerment includes understanding the possible law changes that may impact your Financial Future. Retirement plan legislation has made progress on Capitol Hill this year. Let's talk.... #JBBRYAN
07/12/2022 The Carl Nelson Show THIS MORNING at 7 AM. CLICK HERE TO TUNE-IN with me in the studio and STREAM LIVE. The Carl Nelson MORNING SHOW starts a 6 AM!
07/11/2022 Virginia This Morning - CBS 6 - WTVR. MONDAY MORNING at 9 AM. Topic: "Statement SHOCK"
07/08/2022 Business Tips for 2022 Part 2: A few tips to help make the rest of the year as smooth as possible. Handling Inflation, Uncertainty, and Discovering Patience. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN)
07/08/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. July 2022 : Part 2 of 2022 Starts off on FIRE!
07/06/2022 Real Estate Investors MUST Avoid these Common Mistakes. Check out how property owners can create positive and growing income by renting your properties. If you are an unexpected Landlord - inherited a property? House isn't selling? I can help. #JBBRYAN
07/01/2022 Tom Brady vs. Serena Williams : Today's AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Entrepreneurs discuss attributes of winning over the long term.
07/01/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING celebrating Financial Independence!
06/29/2022 Recession Proof: Is the US headed into a recession? 2 quarters in a row with significant, big declines in economic activity. Recessions are historically filled with layoffs, bankruptcies, higher borrowing costs and a turbulent stock market.#JBBRYAN
06/24/2022 Let times of adversity make you stronger. Having an entrepreneurial mindset may determine success or failure. Let's explore 5 key characteristics for business success. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
06/24/2022 Last Friday of 2nd Quarter: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. AfroEconomics Update at 9 AM Fridays.
06/22/2022 Vacations vs. Staycations: According to AAA Travel 55% of Americans surveyed will vacation atleast one night before the end of 2022. Let’s talk tonight about how to protect your dollars while taking a break! AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
06/17/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. The Pros and Cons of Higher Interest Rates. US Economy Update. Preparing for the Quarter End.
06/15/2022 CONQUER UNCERTAINTY: Are you anxious about your Financial Future? Investments? Worried about your Income? Your Job? Worried about your business? You can Learn to EMBRACE UNCERTAINTY. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
06/10/2022 Inspiring Entrepreneurs. What inspires you? How do you promote business ownership? Have you given yourself permission to be EXCELLENT? What is your definition of excellence? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). #JBBRYAN
06/10/2022 The Smartest Financial Move you can make TODAY. Plus, 40-year highs in price increases: Can the FED stop INFLATION? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. #JBBRYAN
06/08/2022 Financial Empowerment Terms - We ALL Need To Know. Exam TIME! This Wednesday Night for AfroEconomics LIVE! #RMD #IRMAA #QCD #ROI #Rule72T #JBBRYAN
06/03/2022 Mentors can help keep your business innovative and relevant. Check out more of the reasons many successful entrepreneurs have mentors. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) TODAY at NOON. #JBBRYAN
06/03/2022 Stock market movement, Economic update, inflation, interest rates, Bidens approval ratings. AfroEconomics MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. LIVE ON ZOOM. #JBBRYAN
06/01/2022 A Mid-Year Financial Report. "When I listen to your definition of safety - I develop a better understanding of your risk level". #JBBRYAN
05/31/2022 JB on The Carl Nelson Show TUESDAY at 6 AM! Register now to TUNE-IN with me in the studio and STREAM LIVE. The Carl Nelson MORNING SHOW!
05/25/2022 PRIVATE - Members Only Meeting - How I have managed money through past recessions. Plus the Case Study: Wendy Williams - Can your Banker deny you access to your accounts? Let's TALK. #JBBRYAN
05/22/2022 Sunday Morning at 10 AM - Investment Advisor, JB Bryan will share an AfroEconomics Update. Powered by JB Bryan Financial Group, Inc., A Registered Investment Advisory Firm - The Home of AfroEconomics. www.AfroEconomics.com #JBBRYAN
05/20/2022 Should we provide PAID vacation days? Creating an overall benefits package that includes vacation days and company holidays. Let's talk perks to help your company in the war for talent. AfroEconomics Business Network. #JBBRYAN
05/20/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. LIVE at 9 AM. Stocks near bear market territory, Rising fuel costs are a massive problem for business and consumers, Real Estate feeling the punch too — Let's talk.....
05/18/2022 May is "Older Americans Month" - established in 1963 by President John F. Kennedy to bring awareness to programs that support older Americans' need to succeed. Check out the AfroEconomics " Age My Way" program for your mind, body, and finances. #JBBRYAN
05/15/2022 Sunday at Sunrise.....
05/13/2022 Twitter deal is on HOLD! Fake accounts are being investigated. Isn't this a little too late for that? Can Musk back out of his offer at this point? Can investors protect there dollars? Is there a stop loss? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Weekly.
05/13/2022 The Benefits of Consistency. The Power of Hope. Understanding the impact of STRESS on Financial Decisions and Health. Teamwork makes the Dream WORK. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Friday at 9 AM. #JBBRYAN
05/11/2022 A struggling economy may steal your "money mojo". Here is how to get your MONEY MOJO back! We will explore the importance of confidence, energy, and enthusiasm regarding our financial goals. Check out the TOOLBOX at AfroEconomics. AfroEconomics LIVE!
05/08/2022 Sunday at Sunrise.....
05/06/2022 The Federal Reserve has Increased Interest Rates AGAIN. It has a DIRECT Impact on Small Businesses. Here are 5 Key Ways to Protect Your Finances. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
05/06/2022 Owner of TurboTax, has agreed to pay $141 million in restitution to 4.4 million customers who were wrongfully charged for using the TurboTax Free Edition! Interest Rates, Inflation, Market expectations and Update. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. #JBBRYAN #AfroEcon
05/04/2022 Interest rates and Stocks both HIGHER TODAY! How can the Fed stop inflation without killing the economy? JB has a few possibilities to review...... Let's Talk. AfroEconomics LIVE!
04/29/2022 Discussion: Today's stock market as a reflection of US Businesses. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
04/29/2022 Will the Fed increase interest rates? What does an economic slowdown really mean? Is inflation out of control or what? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
04/27/2022 How do bonds work and the different types of bonds that are available? JB will also go over some useful bond-buying strategies. LIVE discussion of the pros and cons of investing in bonds.
04/24/2022 Sunday at Sunrise.....
04/22/2022 Are business owners public figures? Do business owners have a responsibility to the public? Should business owners get involved in politics? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
04/22/2022 Cost Basis, Tax Deferral, Joint Accounts & Beneficiaries. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING ONLINE.
04/20/2022 Is our hard work - working? Georgetown University predicts that 70% of all jobs will require some college education by 2027. A look at the study....“Umbrellas Don’t Make it Rain: Why Studying and Working Hard Isn’t Enough for Black Americans”
04/15/2022 Keys to Business Brand Development in 2022. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Weekly. Tips from NBA star Damien Lillard and his new company.
04/15/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Tax Tips. Inflation, Interest Rates, Income Planning, Wall Street, Inflation, and Q & A.
04/13/2022 Millions of Americans will soon run out of money. Check out how to deal with bills you can't pay. Inflation hits new 40-year high of 8.5% over previous year amid surging gas prices and rent hikes, Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. #JBBRYAN
04/08/2022 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Our Entrepreneurship Round Table.
04/06/2022 Distractions cost the US economy more than $650 billion each year. That's a lot of money wasted. What are the key distractions that are costing you the most? Social media? Co-workers? Protect your time and money with these key techniques. #JBBRYAN
04/01/2022 Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a disruptive and unexpected event that threatens to harm the organization or its stakeholders. Key tips for growing through crisis. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). #JBBRYAN
04/01/2022 New Financial Survey : What are people more focused on when it comes to their finances this year? Let's discuss financial priorities and how have they changed? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. #JBBRYAN
03/30/2022 Passive Income 101: The goal is to achieve a steady flow of cash without the daily commitment of a full-time job. Discover the keys to creating a cash stream that requires little or no daily effort. #JBBRYAN
03/25/2022 Why are so many Athletes now entrepreneurs? Has following an athlete's demanding training schedule helped them to become far more efficient at prioritizing tasks and managing their time effectively? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
03/25/2022 AfroEconomics MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Interest rates keep climbing, homes are more expensive, living expenses are higher - but we are still WINNING! This week: Tips on saving money on insurance. Let's talk......
03/23/2022 Why is the Fed slowing down the US Economy? Is this a good thing? What will the interest rate hikes mean for investors over the long term? I will share an AfroEconomics Market Update Wednesday night at 8 PM. The studio will be open for LIVE Q&A. #JB
03/20/2022 Sunday at Sunrise.... "How God can help us - Get our Groove Back ". The Pandemic has been a challenge for many of us in many ways. Happiness has been reported to increase professionalism, relationships - your life. Inspired by Matthew 11 : 28-30.
03/18/2022 Understanding How our Supply Chain Strategies and Business Plans Connect. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). TODAY at NOON.
03/18/2022 I will explain how "sitting on cash" during periods of stock market volatility may lead to missed opportunities. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Plus, our AfroEconomics Update. #JBBRYAN
03/16/2022 Benefits of sharpening your patience skills around spending money. Money plans can disappear if you don’t practice patience. 10 Key Reasons Patience is Important in Wealth Development. AfroEconomics LIVE! #JBBRYAN
03/13/2022 SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE. Scriptures for approaching our daily personal and professional conversations effectively. Building a Judgment Free Zone. Inspired by Ephesians 4:15. Sunday at Sunrise.....
03/11/2022 The Hundredth Monkey Effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number is reached. #ABN #BDG
03/11/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Resignations, Reshuffle, and Russia. The Great Resignation shows no sign of slowing down. Inflation doesn’t just impact what we can afford today, but also what we can afford in the future. Let's talk FRIDAY at 9 AM.
03/09/2022 NO LIMIT! Discover your STRENGTHS. 10 TOP WAYS TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS. BUILD STRENGTH. HARD WORK. SACRIFICE. GREATNESS. Inspiration + Instruction = EMPOWERMENT. JB Bryan Financial Group, Inc. established March 10, 1995. The Home of AfroEconomics.
03/06/2022 Join me as I explore " Humility: A SuperPower". 10 ways humility is a super power and scripture to back it up! Inspired by 1 Peter 5:6 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time."
03/04/2022 The Increasing Cost of Doing Business. Business Planning. Websites. Technology. Staffing. Locations. Supply Chain Shortage Impact on Small Businesses. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
03/04/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Friday, March 4 2022. Financial Empowerment Strategies and Investment Market Update. Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Metals, International Markets too.
03/02/2022 Successful long-term investing involves more than just placing money into the stock market. Check out these 10 key strategies I have used to help you benefit from and enjoy long-term investing since 1995. -JB AfroEconomics LIVE!
02/27/2022 PEACE during times of WAR: Conflict fills the news headlines but Peace can fill our hearts. Join me as I share powerful scriptures and insights on conflict resolution and living a life of peace. Inspired by John 14:27.
02/25/2022 Black Ownership in Sports. There has never been a Black owner in the NFL. With the Denver Broncos up for sale, NFL commissioner said league would ”love to see a diverse owner'' to buy that franchise. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
02/25/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Join me as I share at least 10 Things we need to know. Plus, A look at the geopolitical and economic impact of the Russia-Ukraine Crisis our Financial Markets. -JB
02/23/2022 AfroEconomics LIVE with JB Bryan. This week: A look at the Stock Market, Bonds, Inflation, Interest Rates, Crypto, and Gas Prices. Plus Q & A. Powered by JB Bryan Financial Group, Inc. A Registered Investment Advisory Firm. Established 1995.
02/20/2022 Happy is the new RICH. Explore key strategies and scriptures of the priceless treasure of JOY. God tells us to be happy more times in Scripture than any other command. This Sunday at Sunrise..... Inspired by Wanda Hawkins and Proverbs 37:4.
02/18/2022 Snoop Dogg acquires Death Row Records. Snoop's plans to turn Death Row into the nation's first NFT Record Label. Plus, get an update on NFTs. Case Study: Snoop Dogg is taking Death Row Records into the metaverse. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
02/18/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week's top 10 Financial Happenings and Strategies. Plus, Is it possible to successfully time the stock market?
02/16/2022 Steps to Financial Peace of Mind. In the United States, despite the efforts of equality proponents, income inequality persists among races and ethnicities. Asian Americans have the highest median income, followed by White Americans. #BlackHistoryMonth
02/13/2022 Valentine's Weekend: We are Loved By God. Check out how I know "We are loved by God and we don't have to strive for God’s love - instead we just have to accept God’s love." Inspired by Romans 8:38-39. Sunday at Sunrise.....
02/11/2022 Divorce among entrepreneurs ranges from 43% to 48%. Why? Let's discuss why experts say marriage dissolution and divorce rates among business owners are higher than any other group based on those numbers. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Weekly.
02/11/2022 Valentine's Weekend: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Love & Money: How are they connected? Plus, Top money moves that happened this week!
02/09/2022 Health is WEALTH. Why or Why not? Can financial stress impact our health? What is the value of disease prevention vs treatment? Plus, Power moves for our health and wealth. AfroEconomics LIVE!
02/06/2022 Self Control and Self Discipline: Reaching life goals and living our purpose. Inspired by Galatians 5:22-23. This Sunday at Sunrise.
02/04/2022 Explore "The Golden Age of Black Business" and History of Black Business. The University of Texas business historian Dr. Juliet E.K. Walker was the first to name the period. AfroEconomics Business Network honors The History of Black Business in America.
02/04/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Market and Earnings Update. Top 10 financial tips, market happenings & strategies for the week. Plus Q &A.
02/02/2022 Black History Month National Theme 2022: Health and Wellness. What Does ‘Health Is Better Than Wealth’ Mean? Can you be happy with good health and no money? Can you be happy with money and poor health? Join me for Health is WEALTH.
01/30/2022 Family Finances: Walk Like You Talk. Week #2: Developing your Family Financial Mission statement. REAL ways to explain your financial priorities to the next generation. Check out how to make sure you " Lead by Example".
01/30/2022 The Bible is Black History. Let's explore the Black History found throughout the Old and New Testaments of our Bible. Inspired by Dr. Theron D. Williams.
01/28/2022 The key components of marketing YOU and your business. Case Study: Tesla and Elon Musk are both part of the corporate marketing plan. Check out how to use a similar marketing techniques to build your company. This week's AfroEconomics Business Network.
01/28/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY at 9 AM. Tax Talk and Key Strategies for completing your 2021 Tax Return. Let's Complete our Tax Returns EARLY - find out why..... this morning!
01/26/2022 What does it mean for long-term investors when stocks are 10% - 20% off their highs? What’s up with the cryptocurrencies - down 50%? Plus... TAX TALK: Eligibility vs. Deductibility. AfroEconomics LIVE!
01/23/2022 Family Finances: Your Family. Your Love. Your Legacy. Starting the Conversation. Join this adventure into effectively communicating your financial goals to your love ones. Episode 1: Starting the Conversation about Money.
01/23/2022 How to be FEARLESS. Unfortunately, many people have "Scared themselves to DEATH". Let's explore the dangers of staying in a place of fear about your finances, your job, your heath, or anything. FEAR is not of God. Inspired by 2 Timothy 1:7.
01/21/2022 What is our Corporate Social Responsibility? Do you believe business owners have a responsibility to the community? What should be our priority - profit or purpose? Is it possible to accomplish social good and build a sustainable business? #ABN
01/21/2022 Members Only Meeting: Stocks Up. Stocks Down. Bond Rates Up. Unemployment Up. Inflation Up. So…. What exactly is a correction? And don’t even mention COVID. See you tomorrow, JB
01/19/2022 Cybersecurity: What is Biometrics Authentication? Are Biometrics safer than Passwords? Let's explore the Types of Biometric Authentication Methods. Plus the pros and cons to investors and the future of Biometrics in Cybersecurity. #AfroEconomics
01/17/2022 KING DAY 2022. Let's talk ...... "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Push for the Redistribution of Wealth". I will discuss King's goals, suggestions, and strategies to end poverty. Plus, check out how AfroEconomics is continuing King's work.
01/16/2022 Worship can add LIFE to our Years - Plus years to our life according to medical research. I will share key scriptures to add JOY to our years. Our instructions are to Trust God and Be Happy. Inspired by Proverbs 16:20.
01/14/2022 10 Popular Management Decisions that Sabotage Sales and Income. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) each Friday at 12 Noon.
01/14/2022 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING EACH FRIDAY AT 9 AM. A look at the Top 10 Financial Things you need to know. Financial News, Strategies, and Insight.
01/12/2022 Check out how I align my Investment Strategy with the Federal Reserve’s outlook - understanding the world’s most powerful bank. A look at the Federal Reserve and its recent power moves. AfroEconomics LIVE!
01/07/2022 AfroEconomics Business Network. 10 Power moves to grow sales in 2022. Key ways to increase sales while strategically growing profits.
01/07/2022 Understanding the Technology Sector: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Tech history, pros and cons, and the future of technology.
01/05/2022 The importance of personalization in investing. Millions of investors are paying fees to MACHINES.... But is that really in your best interest? Discover the power of keeping it PERSONAL. AfroEconomics LIVE!
01/02/2022 Won't He Do It! The FIRST Sunday at Sunrise for 2022! Financial Empowerment through the WORD of God.
12/31/2021 The Importance of Business Analytics. Business analytics can help companies make better, more informed decisions and achieve a variety of goals. Check out data will helps us today and tomorrow. AfroEconomics Business Network. New Year's Eve at NOON.
12/29/2021 2022 BUILD BLACK BETTER: The AfroEconomics Business Network. Exploring the use of technology across industries. A Conversation with AfroEconomics Business Network Leaders.
12/26/2021 YOU are becoming a GIANT. Inspired by Isaiah 40:31 .“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
12/24/2021 A Celebration of YOU. Christmas Eve - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Time for us to enjoy music, great conversation, and family. Lots of surprises too!
12/22/2021 AfroEconomics LIVE! Don't leave money on the table: What are the most overlooked financial opportunities?
12/19/2021 The Life of a Change Maker: The blessing of being disliked. Inspired by John 15:18-27
12/17/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). The Business of Kwanzaa. Understanding Kwanzaa principle Ujamaa - Cooperative Economics.
12/17/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. The Market Update & The Importance of Consistency.
12/15/2021 Congressional Update: A look at the SECURE Act 2.0. Check out how it can 1.) Help you save more while working , 2.) Improve work retirement plans, and 3.) Lower costs for employers. Plus, will it EVER get through Congress?
12/12/2021 The importance of self-correction and self-awareness. Inspired by 1 Corinthians 11:28-30
12/10/2021 YEAR END TAX TIPS FOR BUSINESSES: AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
12/10/2021 YOU MATTER: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Top 10 Financial Updates for this WEEK.
12/08/2021 ROI: The Importance of your Return on Investment. How to Calculate It? What is a good ROI? Why does ROI Matter? A look at case studies, examples, discussions, and Q & A.
12/05/2021 Jesus Walks: The Importance of Our Daily WALK with God. Spiritually and Physically. This is a key time of year to connect - reconnect and stay GROUNDED in the LIVING habits of God. Inspired by 1 John 2:5-6 .
12/03/2021 The Power of Teamwork. Stanford University researchers found that up to 40% of productivity is lost when switching back and forth between tasks, and that it takes more time to complete each task. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
12/03/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - This week's TOP 10 Financial events, news, strategies, and insight. .
12/01/2021 AfroEconomics LIVE! This week: Legacy Planning. Keys to a Living Estate Plan. This is an empowering discussion of Generational Wealth, Legacy & Estate Planning Tips, Steps, and Strategies.
11/28/2021 What bad habit has to DIE - so I can LIVE? Is there a POWERFUL part of you - that you haven't met yet? Discover the Bible based guidance for NO EXCUSE living. Inspired by Isiah 25:11.
11/26/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Weekly. Let’s talk…. How to protect your business and your finances from the COVID-19 new variant. Staying focused on your customer and the business during the holiday season.
11/26/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - WEEKLY - AfroEconomics Update - Top 10 Financial Strategies or Events of this WEEK.
11/24/2021 Planning your DREAM - not just an ESCAPE! Wise Financial Decisions : There are certain dos and don’ts – some less apparent than others – that tend to encourage retirement happiness and comfort.
11/21/2021 The POWER is in his word - not in our ability. Inspired by John 21:6. Find out “How to accomplish your goals with amazing speed!” Each Sunday at Sunrise JB Bryan shares Bible based money moves and life strategies.
11/19/2021 Keys to Growing your business in 2022. AfroEconomics Business Network: Developing a Strategic Plan.
11/19/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - FRIDAY - Preparing your Finances for the HOLIDAYS. AfroEconomics Update. Fitness Warriors Check-in. ALL ONLINE.
11/17/2021 Live and Die Debt Free: Does debt freedom really matter? Is it possible to actually live debt free in America? Financial independence vs Debt Freedom. Membership panel ENCOURAGED on camera for Q & A.
11/14/2021 The Power of Proximity: I am my brother's keeper. Why it is important to be a voice for the voiceless in any way we can? Inspired by Luke 6:17-19.
11/12/2021 Breakfast and LUNCH! DC Office - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. TOPIC "The Gamification of the Stock Market: Hidden Dangers". In DC - FRIDAY at 10 AM - Members Meeting. 12:00 ABN - Business Presentations and Networking.
11/10/2021 King Richard: How much are you willing to sacrifice for the next generation? We don't have to die - We can multiply. 10 ways to make sure we create a positive FINANCIAL movement. Discipline, Financial Independence, Entrepreneurship, Investing.
11/07/2021 BE BOLD: The Importance of BOLD FAITH. Finding the Strength to Stand UP for TRUTH. Standing by does not make you innocent. Check out "BOLD FAITH Moves for YOU". Inspired by Acts Chapter 4.
11/05/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network: How we do anything - is how we do EVERYTHING. How you communicate and manage your personal affairs, challenges or experiences- usually is how you lead your business. 10 POWERFUL habits that help in business.
11/05/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week's "Top 10 Financial Tips and Updates for This WEEK".
11/03/2021 Your Fun vs. Your Future : 10 Reasons why WE cannot afford to waste our Money or Time.
10/31/2021 Sticks and stones may break my bones - but words will NEVER hurt me.... Is that really true? Inspired by Proverbs 12:18 - "There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
10/29/2021 Women's Business Conference Friday, October 29th at Virginia Union University. The event welcomes Men and Women. Purchase YOUR tickets and CLICK YES. #AfroEconomics #SupportingHBCU
10/29/2021 Financial Update: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING & ABN FRIDAY at 9 AM. Top 10 Things we need to know from This WEEK. Plus, a look at 2022! #VUU Women's Conference TODAY.
10/27/2021 10 Ways to Invest in YOURSELF: Learning to FOCUS on what you want. Most people focus on what they don't want and put very little effort into building the financial life they want and deserve. #DreamMaker
10/24/2021 Self Defense vs. Revenge: What did Jesus mean by “Turn the other Cheek”? Retaliation is needed at times, but should retaliation take the form of revenge? Inspired by Proverbs 20:22 “Do not say, I’ll pay you back for this wrong! Wait for the Lord..."
10/22/2021 What is a Brokerage Account? MEMBERS ONLY MEETING & ABN. The steps to opening a brokerage account. Plus, the top 10 AfroEconomics Update - financial info we need to know that happened this week. News and Strategies and prepare for November 12th in DC.
10/22/2021 Sunday at Sunrise......
10/21/2021 "Bridging the Wealth Gap through Entrepreneurship" JB Bryan to speak at Mount St. Mary's University
10/20/2021 Generational Wealth Tips: Where is my Land? Let's discuss restitution for stolen wealth and enterprise. Bruce Beach, Hilton Head, Mr. Willis of Cleveland. The compounding harm of racism and discrimination for our families. #Legacy
10/18/2021 This Sunday at Sunrise...... Building a Happy Life: Inspired by Psalm 16:11. God will show us the path of life; God's presence is fullness of joy; stay close to God there are pleasures for evermore. Being Faithful on Purpose.
10/17/2021 God's way to Ultimate Health & Wealth. Inspired by 1 Corinthians 6:12 "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful". Let's explore scripture guidance for Ultimate Health & Wealth.
10/15/2021 "Building Wealth through Entrepreneurship". This week let's discuss the top 10 ways YOU can build wealth by just having your own business. Discover these strategies and how to use them. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) this Friday at Noon. #Members
10/15/2021 Pandemic disrupted retirement plans for 35 percent of Americans according to a new study. Plus, this week's top 10 Financial Insights you MUST know. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - WEEKLY
10/13/2021 Santa Claus: You know he's NOT real - right? Why do we still waste our money during the holidays? Just because it is what we have always done - doesn't make it right. Imagine the money we have spent! Let's look at the numbers. Santa Claus is a FAKE.
10/11/2021 JB on The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY at 4 PM! Register now to TUNE-IN.
10/10/2021 DEBT: Is it just a game or a real problem? The new show "Squid Game" shows how far people will go to avoid financial ruin. Inspired by 43:10. Let's explore God's guidance on handling Debt.
10/08/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network. The Top 10 Business moves of this week and the strategies for Today's Business owners. Facebook x- employees. Technology companies taking big stock price hits. Building your BOSS Brain.
10/08/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - This week's Top 10 Financial Market Tips, News, Updates, and Strategies. Plus.... Health & Wealth Holiday Group Goals. Who is doing 30 minutes a day? Roll Call. Winners announced after Christmas!
10/06/2021 How to Lower Your EXPENSES - NOW! Key ways to FIGHT Inflation: "Inflation ran at a fresh 30-year high in August as supply chain disruptions and extraordinarily high demand fueled ongoing price pressures", according to a Commerce Department report.
10/03/2021 Taking Care of Business: Biblical business strategies and guidelines. What are God's expectations of Business Leaders? Inspired by Proverbs 16:3: "Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” Let's focus on Entrepreneurs.
10/01/2021 Private Equity: Understanding the Good, Bad, and the Ugly. Private placements, Venture Capital, Angel Investors. What is a private equity investor’s goal Vs. the Entrepreneur's best interest? AfroEconomics Business Network. Friday at 12 Noon.
10/01/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - When is the BEST time to BORROW Money? Why? Plus.... This week's Top 10 Financial Market Tips, News, Updates, and Strategies.
09/29/2021 TONIGHT at 8 PM. The Investor Mindset: What is your best money move today? Inside the mind of today's investor. Is it hard to focus on the long term? Inflation. Interest Rates. Stocks. Bonds. Real Estate. Taxes.
09/26/2021 How to END Generational Bad Habits? Research shows that good or bad financial habits can be inherited. Join me for this Bible based look at powerful ways to END negative habits and behavior. Inspired by Ephesians 4:24-31 – Becoming a New Person.
09/24/2021 Leadership Rule #1: Time is more valuable than money. You can never replace time. The 10 Best Ways to Maximize your TIME. AfroEconomics Business Network. Members ONLY. FRIDAY AT 12 PM.
09/24/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - 10 Financial Tasks to COMPLETE. Closing out 3rd Quarter of 2021. Be sure to sign up for Membership to Participate in ALL Friday Events. Visit AfroEconomics.org.
09/22/2021 Digital Currency & the Fed, A $435 Million Jackpot, and Conquering the stock market. Discover the benefits of a down market. Making the most of market volatility. Join me for AfroEconomics LIVE!
09/20/2021 STOCK MARKET UPDATE at 4 PM. The Carl Nelson Show TODAY at 4 PM! Join me in the studio. Register HERE. Look at a market decline as an opportunity. How to plan your NEXT money move! Register now to WATCH LIVE!
09/19/2021 Victory is Promised. God has a plan, and it is for our good (Romans 8:28-30). This knowledge can enable us to lead a life full of spiritual victory and joy in the fulfillment of God’s promises. Wisdom. Wealth. Health. Peace. Join me Sunday at Sunrise.
09/17/2021 Business Plans: Building a clear vision for your company. Let's Explore a Detailed Business Plan. I will share my Business Plan template with ALL attendees. Includes Marketing, Financials, Industry sections. AfroEconomics Business Network. Members ONLY.
09/17/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth. Member of the WEEK - Rosita! Speaks on Healthy Living in 2021.
09/15/2021 Biden Tax Plan and Federal Tax Proposals. The Biden administration has proposed about $4 trillion of new federal spending over 10 years. Why is this important to know? How could this impact your financial plan?
09/12/2021 It's ALL Good! Inspired by Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but only what is good for building others up as the need may be, that it may give grace to those who hear." The value of Biblical Affirmations for LIFE.
09/10/2021 Remembering 9/11: 10 Life & Financial Changes. Join me this morning. AfroEconomics Insight and Strategies. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
09/08/2021 10 things I hate about Life Insurance. This is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Get my checklist. If you don’t have any life insurance, you’re not alone. Life insurance is one of those “one day” things for many people. Life Insurance Q & A.
09/05/2021 Loyalty: Faithfulness and commitment to obligations. Betrayal: The breaking or violation of trust. A look at loyalty and betrayal. Inspired by: John 13:27 where Jesus said, “What you are about to do, do quickly.”
09/03/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network: A Look at the Serial Entrepreneur. A serial entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who continuously comes up with new ideas and starts new businesses after selling the other. What are the benefits Vs. Challenges?
09/03/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
09/01/2021 Financial Lessons: What are the financial accomplishments of our ancestors? 10 Reasons why we should interview our Grandparents and parents regarding their amazing financial achievements. College with no loans? Bought homes with no loan? Get answers.
08/29/2021 FEARLESS: How to move forward by FAITH - in the presence of chaos, disorder, even danger. Do you allow fear to hold you back from God's promises? Do you see yourself as a conqueror? Inspired by Caleb in the book of Joshua at 85.
08/27/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network: Financial check points for business success. Accounting, Insurance, Regulations, Succession Planning, Taxes. ( For Members Only )
08/27/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
08/25/2021 Getting PAID: "Even as Black men climb the corporate ladder, they still make less than equally qualified white men. They are the only (male) racial/ethnic group that does not achieve pay parity with white men at some level." PayScale (June 2020).
08/23/2021 Traveling this Sunday taking Z off to college in Pennsylvania for her 1st year away. My baby is now a young woman. It is her time to SHINE. While I am away with Z please enjoy these recordings. Pray with me. Have a wonderful weekend!
08/20/2021 SURVIVING ANOTHER SHUTDOWN: The fear of government reclosures due to the COVID-19 Delta variant is a concern for almost half or 47% of small business owners. The number has increased from a low 17% in April to 24% in June to a dramatic jump in July. #JB
08/20/2021 A Look at FinTech. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
08/18/2021 Financial Psychology: Discover the study of the mind and behavior as it relates to spending, saving, and investment decisions. According to Forbes magazine "The most important emotions in relation to money are fear, guilt, shame and envy." Tips and Q &A.
08/16/2021 The AfroEconomics Health and Wealth Connection.
08/15/2021 Back-To-School: Scripture for your Backpack. Take God with you EVERYDAY. Protecting our young people through prayer, the word, and our actions. 10 Power Tips for Our Young People. Inspired by Joshua 1:9 and Bridget Davis of South Carolina.
08/13/2021 10 Ways to Attract More Business. “Looks Do Matter”. According to Inc. Magazine, “In the business world how you look says everything about whether you're competent or qualified”. AfroEconomics Business Network.
08/13/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
08/11/2021 Black men and women are typically targeted with lottery and romance scams. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) released two studies showing 40% of Black and Latino adults have been targeted by online scams.
08/08/2021 Discover the benefits of "Trying Something New". According to Psychology Today magazine, we fear an unknown outcome more than we fear a known bad one. Inspired by Job 8:7 though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great.
08/06/2021 Key personality traits that most successful entrepreneurs have in common. How to enhance your entrepreneurial talents and build on them? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
08/06/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
08/04/2021 Over a 20-year Dalbar study, the single largest contributor to underperformance over time had to do with behavioral biases. Don't fall victim to the fear factor. Check out tonight's suggestions.
08/01/2021 How to stop anger, anxiety, and angst. Inspired by Colossians 3:15 "....May the peace of God rule you". Join me Sunday at Sunrise.
07/30/2021 What Is More Important, Profit or Revenue? I say "Profit gives a more accurate picture of a company's financial position." That's because a company's liabilities matter too. Let's looks at Profit vs. Revenues. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Weekly.
07/30/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth. This open financial discussion is for ALL members.
07/28/2021 How to Create a Retirement Income Plan: Only 38% of workers have estimated how much income they will need each month in retirement, according to a survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Check out my Retirement Income Planning Strategy.
07/26/2021 The Carl Nelson Show MONDAY! Join me LIVE! How to plan your NEXT money move! Wall Street, School loans, Mortgages, Rent, Evictions, Jobs and Unemployment, and Where is my tax REFUND?
07/25/2021 Stocks finished at record highs Friday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average index closing above 35,000 for the first time, and the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite also at new highs.Investors cheered corporate earnings. Can money buy happiness?
07/23/2021 How to add NEW SERVICES at a LOW UPFRONT COST…..TOP SMALL BUSINESS IDEAS for 2021…..AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
07/23/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - AfroEconomics UPDATE: Inflation. Dow Jones. Jobs. Vaccines. A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
07/21/2021 How to Maximize YOUR Financial Life: James Brown, Jeff Bezos and JB Bryan: Risk - Imagination - Entrepreneurship - Obstables.
07/18/2021 Are you prepared for what you are praying for? Peaks and valleys - the power to see the peak when you are in the valley. Failure is not an option. Inspired by 2 Kings 3:16-19. Dig your ditch! #FAITH #PowerMoves
07/16/2021 Do you have a Facebook PAGE? Or are you just on Facebook? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). This week: Your Website vs. Facebook vs LinkedIn. Taking care of BUSINESS on Social Media. How to maximize BOTH!
07/16/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
07/14/2021 How to AVOID the top 10 mistakes investors make! There are some common investment mistakes out here. Often it’s learning what NOT to do that helps the most. Check out these success stories.
07/11/2021 Work Ethic: Don't Talk about it - Be about it! Highlighting God in our work and in our workplace. Scripture and discussion - how we can work, serve, and grow. Inspired by Romans 12 : 11-12.
07/09/2021 How to protect your customers and your dream. UNDERSTANDING BUSINESS INSURANCE. Business liability? commercial property? E&O? Mal-Practice? Business Vehicle Coverage? Business Case study of Florida Condo Tragedy. ABN- AfroEconomics Business Network.
07/09/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
07/07/2021 Your Mid-Year Financial Checkup. Great time to review your financial position. It’s time to face the facts: we’re headed toward the second half of 2021. Budgeting. Taxation. Credit. Investments. Benefits.
07/04/2021 Financial Independence: Does it bring Joy? Is it Biblical? Is it what you really want? Inspired by 1 Timothy 6:17-19. A Biblical view of Financial Independence. Sunday at Sunrise on the 4th of July.
07/02/2021 Boss Presentation: Ms. Venita Jamerson of North Carolina, Business Owner and Member of AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). This Friday at Noon. Plus, Maximizing Online Marketing & Social Media.
07/02/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth. Question: Do you know your risk score?
06/30/2021 We pay more INTEREST on our DEBT. According to the American Housing Survey (AHS): When Black customers purchase or refinance OUR mortgages, interest rate DISPARITIES exist. High Income Black families pay higher rates than lower income White Families. Why?
06/27/2021 Diversification, Asset Allocation, ownership, and money matters didn't just start in Business Schools. This Sunday at Sunrise..... Biblical Investment Strategies. Inspired by Matthew 25.
06/25/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Healthy Habits for Today's Entrepreneurs. Plus.... Business Presentation: Bernice Muhammad, Certified Natural Health Professional. Check out her ORGANIC cakes, pies, donuts, and more! MEMBERS ONLY.
06/25/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth. Including a look at &^%$ profits: As people return to schools, offices and other social settings, many are still seeking comfort.
06/23/2021 Recent study says "19% of Black families, roughly 3.5 million households, have a negative net worth because of a history of discriminatory policies from the government and private industry". Refuse2BeBroke. 10 Ways UP!
06/20/2021 Today's Black Man 2021 : Celebrating a History of Excellence. Featuring Our Men LIVE. Panelists: Richard Hollis, Michael Robinson, Clyde Bowie, Rev. Dr. Howard Brown, Maurice Richardson, Kenneth Jones, Rev. Andrew Bozeman.
06/19/2021 Market Update. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - SATURDAY. Steps to take NOW.
06/18/2021 Juneteenth Weekend: Discover the African Blood Brotherhood. The ABB trained Black business owners and workers in self-defense from 1919 to 1924. They protected the residents of Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Friday at Noon.
06/18/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
06/16/2021 10 Rules that Improve our Financial Health: AfroEconomics LIVE! Plus, NEW CBS 6 INTERVIEW.
06/13/2021 Sunday at Sunrise..... Be Young Forever. "It's not the load that breaks you down; it's the way you carry it." — Lena Horne. Inspired by Matthew 18:1-5
06/11/2021 "Why Should White Guys Have All The Fun?" written by Reginald Lewis. The first Black person to build a BILLION-dollar company. Check out his keys to business success. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN).
06/11/2021 TOP 10: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : A look at this week's top 10 financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build wealth.
06/09/2021 E-Attacks. Banks and stock exchanges are targets : Most can prevent ransomware attacks on their OWN networks but the risk to be impacted by third-party suppliers is increasing. Key ways to Protect Yourself.
06/06/2021 Financial Freedom Is the Goal. Prosperity Now research says" the unfortunate reality is that communities of color often take on greater debt and see a lower return on their investments". The Bible's instructions for our Financial FREEDOM. Proverbs 22:7.
06/04/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). This week: Closing the space between your DREAM and your BUSINESS. Key steps to take to make sure your business is always GROWING.
06/04/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Increasing your INCOME by Increasing PERFORMANCE. Plus, a look at this week's top financial news, trends and analysis that we need to build WEALTH.
06/02/2021 Many American parents are financially supporting their adult children at the expense of their own financial wellness, according to a recent survey. Check out smart ways to protect YOUR finances and teach your ADULT children to be self-sustaining.
05/30/2021 Ain't No Half Steppin'. Life Hacks in the Bible that keep us ALL in and on the right path. Discover why we must take steps daily toward our goals. 2021 our year of INNOVATION. Inspired by Philippians 4:13.
05/28/2021 ABN and MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - BOTH FRIDAY at 9 AM EST- COMBINED FOR HOLIDAY WEEKEND! A look this week's top 10 most important news, trends and analysis that we need to build WEALTH.
05/28/2021 ABN and MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - TOGETHER THIS WEEK at 9 AM. A look at this week's TOP 10 important business news, trends and financial analysis that we need to build WEALTH.
05/26/2021 Health & Wealth: Researchers have concluded that health tends to be worse in countries with greater economic INEQUALITY because it may make the lives of rich and poor increasingly separate, leading to a lack of empathy among “haves” for the “have-nots.
05/23/2021 God loves you - Just The Way You Are! So we can say with confidence, the Lord is our helper; We will not be afraid. What can the mere opinion of others do to us? Inspired by Hebrews 13:6. Biblical insight on living in FREEDOM. Pentecost Sunday, 2021.
05/21/2021 ABN: Business Presentation Competition. This week: Kenneth Jones, President of Return2Life Coaching, Washington, DC. Online Presentation and Q & A. Members Only & Speaker Guests. JOIN TODAY.
05/21/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - a weekly look at the most important news, trends and analysis that we need to build WEALTH. This week: Stock Market Update. Real Estate Guidance. Inflation.
05/19/2021 Financial Planning for a Life with no Government CARE packages. No Stimulus checks. No Unemployment. No PPP. No eviction moratoriums. Financial Planning tips for 100% Independence. Financial Freedom Strategies.
05/16/2021 Conflict is an Opportunity for Grace: 5 Scripture based ways to resolve Conflicts. "Do not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness” (2 Timothy 2:24–25).
05/14/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Your Business and Your Tax Return. Understanding the Schedule C.
05/14/2021 Tax ATTACK! MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : How it helps to do your own TAXES! Tax Tips. DIY Skills.
05/12/2021 Inflation accelerated at its fastest pace in more than 12 years for April with the Consumer Price Index rising 4.2% from a year ago. Unemployment. Stocks. Bonds. Gas Prices.
05/09/2021 God's instructions: 10 Things we ALL should do DAILY for self-care. Celebrating Mother's Day with Peace, Wealth, and Health. Inspired by Mark 6:31.
05/07/2021 The Bozeman Development Group , Rev. Andrew Bozeman, CEO. Business Presentation and Motivation. Today's Featured Speaker for AfroEconomics Business Network.
05/07/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Investment Policy Statement (IPS) 2021. Do you have an IPS? Do you need one? Get the answers.
05/05/2021 Divorce: Can Bill and Melinda Gates afford to split $124,000,000,000 ? How expensive is divorce? How does marriage help with wealth development? A look at the numbers behind DIVORCE. Is it possible to RECOVER financially?
05/02/2021 Good Character: Should challenges and events determine our responses? Are our words, decisions, and responses God based? Our relationship with God can build good character. This Sunday at Sunrise: Inspired by Galatians 5:22-23.
04/30/2021 Profit and Purpose: Can our businesses create social change? Do you have a commitment to community, a cause, or organization? How does your Purpose impact your Profit? AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Weekly.
04/30/2021 Understanding Capital Gains and Wash Sales. Members Only Meeting.
04/28/2021 Investing is not Gambling: True investing is about adopting a strategy to pursue specific objectives, not making short-run decisions on this or that company. Join me for some key INVESTMENT tips.
04/25/2021 God's Promise: ALL things can work out for our Good. Key steps to guarantee you always make the correct choices. How to build real CONFIDENCE. Discover new STRENGTH and DISCIPLINE. Inspired by Romans 8 : 28. Join me for Sunday at Sunrise.
04/23/2021 Digitization vs. Digitalization : Mastering the difference. Discover how to make digital advancements work for your business. Our AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshop.
04/21/2021 Guilty: What does "The Chauvin Verdict" mean for us? Has the judicial system contributed to the wealth gap in America? How does being Black impact our financial LIFE? GENERATIONAL WEALTH MATTERS.
04/18/2021 Two Distant Strangers: Have we allowed horrific realities to become entertainment? How do we stop the world from monetizing murder and pain? Steps to take to improve your life, our community, and our world. Inspired by 2Corinthians 4: 16-18.
04/16/2021 Ransomware a Bigger Threat than COVID-19. That's according to SecurityToday.com panel of 50 senior cybersecurity professionals. Let's focus on developing a Cybersecurity Culture in Business. AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshop this FRIDAY!
04/16/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. EMPOWERMENT: Checkout how to AVOID the Top 10 Financial Mistakes American's Make.
04/14/2021 The Secrets of the Contrarian. Are you are SPENDING more when you should be saving? Are you spending instead of INVESTING? Discover my Contrarian Strategy. Join me for AfroEconomics LIVE!
04/12/2021 The AfroEconomics Health and Wealth Connection.
04/11/2021 Our Faith is our victory that can overcome the world. Key ways to STOP SETTLING for less than God's BEST. . Inspired by John 5:4.
04/09/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). A look at the 8 forms of INTELLIGENCE. Developing a clear understanding of your strengths. Do your top skills and interests align with your business or career? How can you use them to get to where you want to be?
04/09/2021 FIND and FIX Social Security errors. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This is for ALL Age groups. AVOIDING SOCIAL SECURITY ERRORS.
04/07/2021 Pensions Vs. 401Ks: The history of pensions and why are they on the way out? Pros and Cons of Pensions vs. 401Ks vs. IRAs vs. 403Bs vs. TSPs.
04/07/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Weekly.
04/04/2021 It's NOT Over: Resurrection to Ascension. Do you want to RISE? Do you really have FAITH? How important is it to live out God's plan for your life? "Let us not become weary in doing good..." Inspired by Galatians 6:9.
04/02/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). This week : Who are Your Ideal Customers? By the end of the hour you will definitely know the answer. Plus, Business Presentations - let's practice for Summer Shark Tank!
04/02/2021 Key financial data for 2021 ALL in one place. HANDOUT PROVIDED UPON ATTENDANCE VIA EMAIL. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - WEEKLY
03/31/2021 Money and Politics: Top Things Every Black Voter Should Know About MONEY-AND-POLITICS. A CONVERSATION WITH Cheryl McLeod, Labor Law Attorney and Activist. Meet our Featured AfroEconomics Member!
03/28/2021 What is God's Plan for Our Finances? Financial Success that Glorifies God. "There are some who pretend to be rich, yet have nothing. There are some who pretend to be poor, yet have great wealth." Proverbs 13:7
03/21/2021 Parenting with Power: Why is parenting too often viewed as just a challenge and not as a blessing? What has changed for parents over the past 20 years and last year? Inspired by Proverbs 22:6. Sunday at Sunrise.
03/19/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshop. How to make sure you feel a sense of COMPLETION daily: For Business Leaders.
03/19/2021 TAX - Questions, Answers, and Resources. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.
03/17/2021 Financial Independence: Unlock vs. Unleash. Keep On Moving! Don't STOP. Financial Empowerment steps to take TODAY and always.
03/14/2021 Sunday at Sunrise.....A look at The US Economy, Our Gift of Life, and COVID-19. As we move back to business as usual - What is the value of a human life VS. The Economy? Inspired by.....1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
03/12/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshop. Business Presentations: What makes a good presentation? What makes a bad presentation? How do you feel about giving presentations? Each of you will prepare and present a BUSINESS Presentation in May - June.
03/12/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week: Discover how I use and have used - RACISM and SEXISM as motivation for wealth development. 5 Things Racism Cannot Stop us from Achieving.
03/10/2021 TONIGHT: Let's talk COVID-19 ONE YEAR LATER & Entrepreneurship. Plus, A tribute to Founder's Day. The firm was established March 10, 1995 on JB's BIRTHDAY. Let's celebrate, let's talk, let's plan our next move.
03/07/2021 AfroEconomics LIVE!
03/07/2021 Sunday at Sunrise..... Celebrating LIFE : ".... The Cheerful heart has a continual FEAST". Inspired by Proverbs 15:15.
03/05/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshop. This week: Establishing an effective business and personal budget. How do you plan for the unexpected? How do you budget when you don't know what's coming in?
03/05/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This morning: Strategies for staying focused on LT Goals during Uncertainty.
03/03/2021 AfroEconomics LIVE! This week: Key steps to RISK MANAGEMENT. Protecting your legacy, investments, a business, real estate. Discover new ways to protect your assets. This Wednesday Night - risk management strategies.
02/28/2021 AfroEconomics Fest 2021: Day #3 This Sunday at Sunrise: Let's talk "Forgiveness" with Rev. Andrew Bozeman. Join us for EMPOWERMENT and PRAYER. Day #3 of AfroEconomics Fest 2021. Open to Members and Guests.
02/24/2021 AfroEconomics LIVE! If I should Die before I wake? Key Things we all must do for ourselves, our family, our legacy. Plus, What you MUST do to prepare for AfroEconomics FEST 2021.
02/21/2021 EMPOWERMENT through Lent 2021: 2/17 to 4/3. What is the meaning and purpose for Lent? 40 days of Praise and Worship. Exploring the spiritual benefits of Lent.
02/19/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshops. This week: Using the new virtual world to create a massive advantage.
02/19/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Friday at 9 AM. Details on the FEST! Announcing Panelists......
02/17/2021 Retirement Planning Questions that have NOTHING to do with MONEY. It's All about YOU. This online workshop is designed to help us take a COMPLETE look at retirement - it's never too late or too early.
02/10/2021 The Mis-Education of the Negro. The hidden Financial Lessons of Carter G. Woodson. Celebrating our Black History by Building our Future.
02/07/2021 I am Black and Beautiful (Song of Songs 1:5). This week.... The Bible is Black History.
02/05/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN). Business Building: Becoming an Expert in your field. How long does it take? How important is Credibility? What about Experience? Plus, Affluence vs. Influence.
02/05/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Our Financial Super Bowl Party: Tax Prep. How to make sure YOU WIN Financially!
02/03/2021 AfroEconomics LIVE! Our Black History in Wall Street. The Black Slave trade and its impact on Today's Financial System.
01/31/2021 Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher. The Power of God's Love. Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13 : 4-8.
01/29/2021 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshop: The Advantages of Being Black and in Business. Key ways to stop the negative stereotypes and build our businesses.
01/29/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - This week let's look at the AfroEconomics Portfolios Performance and Market Update.
01/27/2021 Investing 101: Key Terms and Investment Strategies. Pen and Paper REQUIRED. What is P/E ? Asset allocation vs. diversification? What is the difference between Cumulative vs. Annualized Return?
01/24/2021 Everybody wants to go to heaven - but Nobody wants to DIE. Letting go of toxic habits and thoughts. Creating a new MIND and a new LIFE. Mark 8:35 - 36.
01/22/2021 PPP loans were not developed with your business in mind. If they were developed for us a lot would be different. YEP! AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshop: Has COVID really wiped out Black businesses? If so, what can we do to STOP THIS?
01/22/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: 10 Reasons why we MUST NOT Quit!
01/20/2021 The Biden Presidency: Our Investments. Our Businesses. Our Legacy. Discover key changes that may impact your Investment Portfolio. Taxes? Rates? Industries?
01/18/2021 KING DAY: 10 ways to Build a Legacy of Good Health. AfroEconomics Health Network(AHN). Join me MLK Day at lunchtime. Tell us your family's healthy soul food options. Building Our Legacy & Our Health on King Day.
01/17/2021 KING Tribute: A Knock at Midnight. Inspired by Luke 11.
01/15/2021 Business Leadership Camp: Top 10 Techniques of High Performers. Your business depends on your Personal Mastery.
01/15/2021 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - This WEEK: According to The Economic Policy Institute, Black workers face two of the most lethal pre-existing conditions for coronavirus—racism and economic inequality
01/13/2021 Why are so many people buying Real Estate during a pandemic? Is it a smart MOVE? Is it time to SELL? Are you chasing interest rates and paying HIGHER fees?
01/10/2021 Sunday at Sunrise: Good Credit and The Good Book. Inspired by Proverbs 22:1.
01/08/2021 ABN Business Survival Kit for 2021 : AfroEconomics Business Network (Members Only Event) Friday at Lunchtime. Call me at 1-844-522-7926 for help.
01/08/2021 2021 Opens With a Bang and The Market Volatility Continues. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING . Friday at 9 AM.
01/06/2021 Dow reaches record closing high while Nasdaq drops as protests escalate in Washington! Plus, What is Goal-Based Investing? Goal-based investing focuses on including Personality & Life Goals in your investment decisions.
01/04/2021 Self-Care 101 - The AfroEconomics Health and Wealth Connection: Health Goals for 2021. IMPORTANT Health Measurements & Goals. Our weight is NOT as important as we think..... Monday January 4th at NOON.
01/03/2021 New Beginnings! Sunday at Sunrise. Inspired by ..... 2 Corinthians 5:17. #Overcomers #Warriors.
12/31/2020 New Year's EVE! Let's celebrate 2021 ONLINE. LIVE entertainment, Music, Games, Prizes, and LOTS OF FUN!!! Plus, ANNOUNCING: The 2021 AfroEconomics MEMBERS of The Year!
12/30/2020 AfroEconomics Outlook for 2021. Stock market record highs! What are the leading Industries? What's up with the stimulus package AGAIN? What are your Political expectations? PLUS, Details on our NYE Members ONLY EVENT!
12/27/2020 God and Goals: Biblical Goal Setting for 2021. Inspired by Philippians 3:12-14.
12/23/2020 Family Night: 2020 Financial Events, Trends, Challenges, and Achievements. A Panel of Members share their personal 2020 Financial Experiences and their Outlook for 2021. SPEAK OUT and SPEAK UP.
12/21/2020 Improving Your Mental Strength. AfroEconomics Health and Wealth Connection. Let's talk.... Mental Health and Your Money Mindset. (Members ONLY)
12/20/2020 Come HELL or High Water: When you have been through HELL..... you come out on FIRE! Inspired by Isiah 43. Plus! LIVE MUSIC by Loretta Beechaum!
12/18/2020 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshops. Week 6: Customer Retention & Gaining Referrals .
12/18/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week: Get it in WRITING. Reviewing Your Financial Plan Agreement. The benefits of the Comprehensive AfroEconomics Membership.
12/16/2020 Behavioral Finance. Do you have financial biases? Do you have financial blind spots? Do YOU have areas in your finances that you IGNORE or over look? Are you limiting your long term returns? Ex. Are your CDs renewing every year automatically? ?
12/13/2020 The POWER of a Positive Mind! Inspired by Proverbs 16 : 24.
12/11/2020 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshops. Week 5: Business Intelligence Strategies.
12/11/2020 MEMBERS ONLY METING. Topic: Stock market record highs, the stimulus package, politics, the vaccine and YOUR MONEY.
12/09/2020 The Real Truth about Our Money. Check out the RESEARCH on portfolios and how to make sure we NEVER run out of funds..... Plus time for Q & A.
12/07/2020 The AfroEconomics Health and Wealth Connection. Special Guests too! Week #1: Is Organic food worth the expense? What exactly are we buying? How do we know it's really organic? NEW EVENT!
12/06/2020 Commitment makes things happen: Are you committed? What does commitment REALLY mean? Join me this morning at 7 AM. Inspired by Psalm 37:5.
12/04/2020 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshops. Week #4: Tax ATTACK! Mastering Your Business Taxes and Business Financial Statements.
12/04/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - This week...... Properly Closing Out 2020. Tax moves. Investment Strategies. Organizing EVERYTHING.
12/02/2020 FINANCIAL FREEDOM is not just about MONEY... it's about Living YOUR Best Life. Discovering the ability to DREAM again. Are you a go getter? Or are you just getting by?
11/29/2020 This Morning Join Me: You've Got a friend. The importance of FRIENDSHIP. God honors friendship as highly as family. Inspired by Matthew 12: 48 -50. Let's talk about the value of being a good FRIEND.
11/27/2020 ABN Workshop. AfroEconomics Business Network - Week #3: Business Formation: The 4 Major Business Forms. What's best for you? Members ONLY.
11/27/2020 Black Friday - OPEN MEETING FOR FAMILY and FRIENDS. MEMBERS MEETING. Invite your family and friends. OPEN REGISTRATION. The topic: Creating your own FINANCIAL STIMULUS PACKAGE.
11/25/2020 Dow heading to best month since 1987? Plus, Family Finances: Generational Wealth. What are your family financial goals? What has helped your family? What has hurt? Check out my Key Tips and time for Q & A. Keeping it REAL and Protecting your Legacy.
11/22/2020 Join me this Morning. I am Thankful. So completely thankful. A celebration of God's greatness through praise and Thanksgiving. Inspired by Psalm 9:1.
11/20/2020 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshops. This is Week # 2: E-Commerce & Cybersecurity. CAMERA REQUIRED.
11/20/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - WEEKLY (Open Enrollment? Election Update. Unemployment. Another Stimulus?
11/18/2020 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE! This week let's talk about "Participating in the stock market and managing your investment risk…. Stock Market Update and Strategies. #FREE
11/15/2020 God's Secrets to a Successful Life. Find out how to wake up with JOY everyday. Inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5.
11/13/2020 AfroEconomics Business Network (ABN) Workshops. Week 1: Building Your Brand.
11/13/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Let's discuss ..... Hidden Financial Life Hacks.
11/11/2020 Investment Strategies for 2021. Maximizing the resources available to YOU. Let's talk: Investments, Insurance, Debts, Goals and Financial Planning. #FamilyNight
11/08/2020 Sunday at Sunrise........ This Morning: To whom much is given - much is required. Stepping UP to our Purpose. Inspired by Luke 12: 48-49.
11/06/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Understanding the WARRIOR: Financial Strategies for 2021 and BEYOND.
11/04/2020 Who is our next President? Plus discover ABN. Our new Business Group. Branding. Sales. Technology. E-Commerce. Legislation. Insurance. Taxes. And so much more! Our New President and our new ABN.
11/01/2020 Exploring Our Traditions. The Holidays, Materialism, Christmas Trees, and Santa: WWJD? Inspired by Jeremiah 10 : 1-5.
10/30/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Keeping it ALL Together. The Balanced Portfolio. The Balanced Life.
10/28/2020 MARKET UPDATE. Election 2020 and YOUR Money. Building wealth through all political environments. Let's talk. LIVE Q & A.
10/25/2020 OUR VOTE. OUR FAITH. OUR COMMUNITY. After being beaten nearly to death, Fannie Lou Hamer said "I'm Sick and Tired of being - Sick and Tired". Now over 50 years later - Too Many of us are still Sick, Tired, and Broke.
10/23/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - This week: 10 Ways to Pay Off your Debts Fast!
10/21/2020 Housing Expenses and YOUR Financial Dreams. Maintenance. Taxes. Gentrification. Insurance. REPAIRS!
10/18/2020 Loyalty vs. 30 Pieces of Silver ..... Inspired by Matthew 26:15
10/16/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. October is National Financial Planning Month. This week lets talk about " The Importance of having a Financial Plan at EVERY age."
10/14/2020 YOUR technology survival kit. THRIVING IN A DIGITAL ECO-SYSTEM. Making technology WORK for YOU!
10/11/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise ..... Peace and Love : A Condition or A Decision?
10/09/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Let's discuss "Creating Opportunities DAILY".
10/07/2020 The US ECONOMY - ELECTION 2020: Fed chair warns of economic tragedy in America. What does that mean? PRE-DEBATE Q & A.
10/04/2020 Sunday at Sunrise: The Multi-Generational Impact of Oppression. The importance of personal growth and awareness. Resilience. Ephesians 6:10-18.
10/03/2020 AfroEconomics SATURDAY FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT! #FREE Presented by Alpha Kappa Alpha Nu Chi Omega Chapter! Don't Miss this OPEN MIC table talk and Q & A. Your Money. Your VOTE, Your Future.
10/02/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : Principle 4 Knowledge. This week ...... Mutual Funds vs. Exchange Traded Funds.
09/30/2020 Freedom is not FREE! Financial Freedom, Debt, Taxes, Insurance, Investments. The answers to some of life's hardest FINANCIAL questions.
09/27/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise : Surviors and Overcomers. Is there a difference? Let's talk about being Better vs. Bitter. Enjoying Peace. Inspired by the Book of Ruth.
09/25/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING (FRIDAY) : Understanding Brokerage Accounts & AfroEconomics Portfolios. Buying stocks, bonds, ETFs, or Mutual Funds.
09/23/2020 Don't believe the HYPE! Money is the root of ALL Evil.... NOT! Fake it till you make it.... WRONG! I can do bad ALL by myself.... NO WAY! Education is Power... NOT!! Work smart - Not Hard... WRONG! Let's attack some common MENTAL financial errors..
09/20/2020 Gye Nyame - The Power of GOD: The 5th Principle of AfroEconomics.
09/18/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : Who will be our next President? What is their economic policy? What is your TOP financial concern?
09/17/2020 TONIGHT: Fundraiser for Women's Transition Home: Yeshua's House
09/16/2020 What is your annual income? Are you spending too much? Are you saving too little? Are you stuck? Do you have financial goals? Discover 10 Key ways to advance your LIFE financially.
09/13/2020 The Importance of TRUTH: Why does a lie spread faster than the truth? Check out the research using social media testing. How do we agree on what is TRUTH? Inspired by Philippians 4: 25-29
09/11/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : Share your VISION: STEPS to create a GROWTH mindset to accomplish your VISION and MISSION and PURPOSE.
09/09/2020 Financial Planning: The Impact of Health Insurance on your Retirement Plan. Check out how health insurance is quickly becoming a budget breaker!
09/06/2020 The Importance of Self-Love. Inspired by Matthew 22: 34-40.
09/04/2020 Prayer and Fasting Privately. Inspired by Matthew 6: 5-6.
09/04/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week : Stock Splits and Reverse Stock Splits.
09/02/2020 AfroEconomics LIVE! Outlook for 2021: Jobs? Interest Rates? Stocks? Financial Expectations and Projections for 2021.
08/30/2020 WARRIORS IN THE BIBLE: Are we settling? Is religion being used to control us instead of empower? Are we accepting brutality and discrimination? What is a WARRIOR?
08/28/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: Does it pay to REFINANCE? Is Renting really a waste of MONEY? You will be SURPRISED!
08/26/2020 Protecting Your Legacy: Is your beneficiary an addict? Drugs? Alcohol? Gambling? Shopping? Materialism?
08/23/2020 Sunday at Sunrise: THE Solution to all Financial Problems. Inspired by Genesis 2:4-6..
08/21/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Understanding Your Car Insurance Policy and Coverages. Why are some people getting refunds?
08/19/2020 Income Taxes. Capital Gains Taxes. Payroll Taxes. Where is our money going?
08/16/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise...... Children living in Poverty is a GLOBAL Crisis. Prior to the pandemic 1 in 5 U.S. children lived in poverty - now the numbers are higher - much higher for Black children. Find out what WE are doing to HELP. Proverbs 19 : 17.
08/14/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Financial EMPOWERMENT. New Research on the Impact of COVID-19 on our community's finances.
08/12/2020 LIVE on CBS 6 TODAY! How to Protect your Retirement and Social Security from COVID-19. The Congressional Budget Office says we ALL may get a pay cut......
08/09/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise..... It's easy to escape, ignore, and sleep through life. But Life is Better with our eyes OPEN! Inspired by Proverbs 6 : 4 "Stay WOKE!"
08/07/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week: Discovering Hidden Wealth.
08/05/2020 TONIGHT: Stock Market and Economic Update!
08/02/2020 Politics, Our Government, and God. What is the Bible's stance on Politics and Government?
07/31/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - This week let's discuss "The 2nd Stimulus Package". What's your opinion of the US Economy? Global Economy? How is it going for people working from home? How is customer service? Schools and Colleges? Healthcare?
07/29/2020 New Interview on CBS 6. Plus.... Do you really believe they are making NO money? Free trades? No Interest? Cash is no good? Really???? Who benefits the most from investors FOMO?
07/26/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise.... How to Make Money Your Servant - NOT Your Master.
07/24/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.... This week: Determining the REAL Return on Your Investments.
07/22/2020 Keys to Cybersecurity: How to protect your FINANCES and IDENTITY. COVID-19 has created additional security threats.
07/19/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise: Speak Up! Speak Out! Good Trouble in 2020.
07/17/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING.: Friday July 17, 2020. This week let's talk about ..... The CARES Act and the SECURE ACT and the impact on YOUR Retirement.
07/12/2020 Sunday at Sunrise.... Godly Leadership: Compassion. Service. Sacrifice. Let's talk: What actually makes a person a GREAT leader? It's not popularity. It's not votes. It's not even the world's approval. What does God expect from our leaders?
07/10/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - TOPIC " Who took away our right to complain? What happens when I ask questions?" As I work to protect you - I often get attacked. Let's TALK. Friday, July 9, 2020 #ConsumerAdvocacy
07/08/2020 Contracts and Salaries: SPORTS and BIG BUSINESS. $450 Million NFL deal? BUT Who is really making the BIG bucks? An inside look at the MONEY in SPORTS. Who is REALLY winning? Steps to take in Corporate America to make sure YOU WIN!
07/05/2020 Sunday at Sunrise..... Protecting your heart during challenging times. Making Our Black Lives Better.
07/03/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : Financial Independence Day!
07/01/2020 Biden says “I’m going to get rid of the bulk of Trump’s $2 trillion tax cut - and a lot of you may not like that - but I’m going to close loopholes like capital gains and stepped up basis.” Check out the details!
06/28/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise.... The Slave Bible: Did you know there was a different bible for Black slaves? Find out what was taken out and why?
06/26/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week: Understanding REBALANCING. When is it time? Is it required?
06/24/2020 AfroEconomics: The importance of Black Businesses and Our Strategy to Grow them. Recession-Proof Business Strategies. Loans, Grants, or GRIT?
06/21/2020 Celebrating Today's Black Man.... On Father's Day.
06/19/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Our Juneteenth. Our Emancipation.
06/17/2020 AfroEconomics LIVE! Corporations are benefiting from the Criminal Justice System. Is that Justice or Just US? Let's look at the details. Culturally Conscious Investing VS. Socially Responsible Investing.
06/14/2020 Sunday at Sunrise.... Lessons we can learn from the ant. The ant? Yes. Inspired by Proverbs Chapter 6.
06/12/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week.... Reading beyond the Financial Headlines.
06/10/2020 UPDATE: Wall Street gets more subsidies then people living in Public Housing! Who is really on welfare? Get the details TONIGHT.
06/07/2020 The AfroEconomics Health and Wealth Connection.
06/07/2020 The Black Prayer : Why Did God Make Me Black? by RuNett Nia-Ebo . Inspired by Genesis1:26-27
06/05/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week let's discuss : Who is your trusted contact? The new requirements.
06/03/2020 June is Black Music Month: Top 10 Money lessons in our Music. ( This will be fun! ) Example: #10. It's Cheaper to Keep Her by Johnnie Taylor. Email me your favorite money song to: jb@jbbryan.com.
05/31/2020 Sunday at Sunrise: Integrity... Why Integrity matters today more than ever.
05/27/2020 FAMILY NIGHT AfroEconomics LIVE! Women's Wealth hit hardest by Covid-19. Let's look at key steps to take to protect your family.
05/24/2020 Sunday at Sunrise: What is ESSENTIAL? What happens when the world says the Church isn't essential? Churches qualify for covid-19 small business loans and unemployment offered by the government. Should Churches accept the loans and tithes?
05/20/2020 AfroEconomics Update & Research: A look at the Great Recession. Financial Moves we should consider.
05/19/2020 AfroEconomics Teen Academy for Financial Empowerment! Week #7 Tuesday, May 19 , 2020. Preventing Teen Identity Theft.
05/17/2020 God wants YOU to be HAPPY. Inspired by Psalm 37:3-4
05/15/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : Back to business as usual? Tips on preparing your finances for life after COVID-19.
05/13/2020 Technology and Economic Inequality : I agree TECHNOLOGY is part of the SOLUTION not the cause.
05/10/2020 Mother's Day Sunday at Sunrise : More Precious Than Rubies. An insightful look at Mothers in the Bible.
05/08/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week : A Portfolio Stress Test.
05/06/2020 True or False: Billionaires shouldn't EXIST? Just as a few hardworking Black entrepreneurs FINALLY pass a BILLION $$$ - News Headlines say its no longer cool to be a BILLIONAIRE. How about a TRILLIONAIRE?
05/03/2020 Do you know your purpose? God gave each of us - a lot to do. Let's talk about our assignment.
05/01/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING: Portfolio Analysis Week
04/29/2020 AfroEconomics LIVE! Pre-Existing Financial Conditions can KILL your DREAMS!
04/26/2020 This Sunday at Sunrise "Only The Strong Survive" James 5: 7-12
04/24/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : This week "Key ways to increase your income".
04/22/2020 Inflation & Investment Returns. The price is RIGHT? Maybe NOT. Over the last 20 years certain prices have inflated while other prices are down. Here is a look at items/services you need but they cost more than EVER!
04/19/2020 AfroEconomics Pop-Up Church - Sunday at Sunrise. This week.... The 5 Agreements : A Biblical Guide for Personal FREEDOM.
04/17/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING! This week.... Focusing on YOU: Tips from Natural Health Coach , Fonda Neal (AfroEconomics Member) . Plus, Sassy and Saucy Suyapa (AfroEconomics Member) shares Fitness Survival Tips!
04/15/2020 Real Estate Investment Properties: Understanding Depreciation, Schedule E, Capital Gains, 1031 Exchanges, and Passive Income. Member Frank Anderson and Member Ethel Hayes will share some of their real life experiences.
04/12/2020 AfroEconomics Pop-Up Church. Topic: The Ascension 2020.
04/10/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : WOMEN are expected to be hit the hardest financially by this pandemic. Let's talk about it. ( BE CAMERA READY )
04/08/2020 AfroEconomics LIVE! Recent headlines about the Black Community and Covid-19. Stock market update. The low down on Interest Rates, Real Estate, Gold, Cryptocurrency. BE CAMERA READY - LET'S TALK.
04/05/2020 AfroEconomics Pop-Up Church. This Sunday at Sunrise ...Lean On Me "Do Not Give Into Fear".
04/03/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING ONLINE - This week: Market Update 1st Quarter - Q & A .
04/01/2020 IRS RULE CHANGES for CORONA 2020. IRAs. Work Plans. RMDs for Seniors. July 15th and MORE! Protect your 2020 Vision.
03/29/2020 AfroEconomics Pop-Up Church. Sunday at Sunrise Topic: This is Our EXODUS!
03/27/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING "Using the Financial Planning Portal"
03/25/2020 Tonight's TOPIC: Understanding the $1,200 coronavirus checks & Techniques for Professionals in Today's Marketplace. Managing your Expectations, Energy, and Outlook. ( 8PM to 9 PM)
03/22/2020 The Soul Of Your Money. This WEEK: "Like A Bridge Over Troubled Water - I will Lay Me Down".
03/20/2020 ONLINE MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. TOPIC : Understanding The Performance Pressure Paradox- DO YOU FOLD OR EXPLODE UNDER PRESSURE?
03/18/2020 TONIGHT'S SPECIAL EDITION. (1 HOUR) Surviving an Economic Slow Down & How to STOP wasting Money. Introducing my new COIN program: Creating Opportunities & Income. .
03/13/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : You must log-in AfroEconomics.org to attend. Reset your password now if needed. TOPIC THIS WEEK: Making the Best out of a Bad Situation!
03/11/2020 Frequently Asked Questions regarding Today's Financial Markets. Retirement Plans. Stocks. Bonds. Real Estate. Interest Rates.
03/09/2020 Market Update. Protecting your financial future. Protecting your legacy.
03/08/2020 AfroEconomics Teen Summit 2020. Adults register teens under 18 - as your guests.
03/08/2020 AfroEconomics Financial Freedom Fest: March 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2020. Financial Planning - Investing - Insurance - Entrepreneurship - Taxation.
03/08/2020 The Soul Of Your Money.....LIVE! SUNDAY March 8th at 9 AM. BREAKFAST and PRAISE.
03/04/2020 Market & Interest Rates Update. PLUS, An Inside look at the AfroEconomics Fest. ALL 3 Days. The Final Agenda.
03/01/2020 Health experts say the best protection from the coronavirus is frequent hand washing. But what's the best protection from worry and disappointment? How do you protect your life? Inspired by Psalm 23.
02/28/2020 Financial Planning pays off NOW. Understanding a market correction: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING
02/26/2020 What the $%^# ..... Is Going on with the STOCK MARKET?
02/23/2020 TEAM work - makes the DREAM work : Inspired by Ecclesiastes 4:9
02/21/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : Is 67 the New Retirement Age?
02/15/2020 SATURDAY: MEMBERS ONLY MEETING! Let's talk about the AfroEconomics Fest! A Complete UPDATE and why you and your family should attend.
02/12/2020 Prepare for the tax season. Tips. Updates. Changes. Handout Included: 2020 Tax Guide.
02/09/2020 The Soul Of Your Money.....
02/07/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. This week: Only 8% Reach their GOALS. Tips to make sure you do!
02/05/2020 Honoring Black History Month: Exploring the U.S laws that blocked Black wealth and how we RECOVER.
02/02/2020 The Soul Of Your Money..... This week : Walk Like You Talk . Inspired by 1 John 3:18.
01/31/2020 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. Let's discuss : The latest savings statistics for 2019 shows that the average American saves about 8% of their income a year. At that rate ... it takes the average American 13 years to save just one year of living expenses.
01/29/2020 Expect the UNEXPECTED. Protecting Your Legacy. Protecting your Dream. Protecting your Lifestyle.
01/26/2020 Black Love & Family Finances
01/24/2020 This week: Increasing Your Income. MEMBERS ONLY MEETING
01/22/2020 Using the AfroEconomics Financial Tracking System. Goals. Plan. Process. Procedures. Accountability.
01/20/2020 Celebrating KING DAY : The mind is the standard of the man.
01/15/2020 OUR Economy : The Fed says it's GREAT ..... Check out how to make it GREAT for YOU.
01/10/2020 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING ..... This week: Expenses that kill your BUDGET.
01/08/2020 The AfroEconomics Financial Freedom Fest : Why should YOU attend? What is it ALL about? Inside INFO! Taxes. Family Finances. Starting Your Own Business. Health/Wealth .
01/05/2020 This Sunday: Creating REAL Change - Daily Affirmations for 2020. (Bible based Money Moves)
01/03/2020 Less than 10 percent of people achieve their goals! MEMBERS ONLY MEETING : Determination for 2020
01/01/2020 10 Signs that your DEBT is out of control. Solutions and Strategies for 2020.
12/29/2019 2020 Vision: Faith, Determination & Prosperity
12/27/2019 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - Last Members Only Meeting in 2019! The Year in Review and Goals for 2020.
12/23/2019 The SECURE Act has PASSED! What does that mean to YOUR retirement? What does it mean to your Legacy?
12/22/2019 The Soul Of Your Money..... This Sunday: The Perfect Gift - Avoiding Materialism. INSPIRED BY JAMES 1 : 17.
12/20/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - This week let's work a few Financial Calculations right on the screen. Tax Deferred vs. Taxable, Calculating your Net worth, Goal setting, Systematic Investing.
12/18/2019 Smart Money Moves. How to increase your wealth EVERY YEAR! Understanding your Net Worth.
12/15/2019 The Soul Of Your Money: "Family Unity" Inspired by Psalm 133:1.
12/13/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING. This week: The Growth Investor
12/11/2019 AfroEconomics 2020 Financial Calendar. An inside look. Monthly Projects and Activities for Members.
12/08/2019 Your Success is guaranteed. Discovering God's Purpose for your Life. Inspired by Psalm 57:2
12/04/2019 Hidden and POWERFUL Financial Lessons from "The Scrooge".
11/27/2019 Queen & Slim: For Better or Worse. How to approach making financial decisions together. 10 Financial Questions all couples should answer.
11/20/2019 10 of the BIGGEST money mistakes. What NOT to DO. Let's go BEYOND the obvious.
11/17/2019 The Soul of Your Money: Sunday at Sunrise. This week.... Keeping your momentum and growing!
11/16/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - This week: What is your money mindset? What are your patterns? Are you predictable?
11/13/2019 It's important to have a combination of taxable, tax-deferred and tax-free pots of savings. Check out how YOU can do it! !
11/10/2019 Do you worry about MONEY? Inspired by Matthew 6:24-34 .
11/08/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - Attacking the BIGGEST Retirement Fear. Guess what it is......
11/06/2019 Kanye West Tax Tips: Check out how getting a HUGE tax refund actually may NOT be BEST.
11/01/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING! This week: Budgeting
10/25/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - Let's talk about "6 in 10 workers are behind on their retirement savings - here's how to CATCH UP"
10/23/2019 What has changed for you in 2019? Check out what you can do before YEAR END.
10/20/2019 This Sunday at Sunrise. Let's TALK: " YOU MAKE ME BETTER: I'm a movement by myself but I'm a force when we're together. "
10/18/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING: This week......Stock market analysis lumped into three broad groups.
10/16/2019 AfroEconomics Anti-Poverty Agenda : Ten Action Steps to End Poverty
10/09/2019 FOOTBALL NIGHT: 4th Quarter Money Moves to make TODAY and WIN!
10/06/2019 HARD WORK. #Truth
10/02/2019 Let's Go OLD SCHOOL ..... Financial Empowerment from our Ancestors.
09/25/2019 Shopping While Black: A recent Gallup Poll says the majority of us feel that we are treated unfairly while shopping.
09/22/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........Based on the 5th Principle of AfroEconomics : The Soul Of Your Money
09/18/2019 The History of Life Insurance and The Black Customer: Are you Paying too much? Are you under insured? Do you need it?
09/14/2019 AfroEconomics Presents: Black Health & Black Wealth. A FREE EVENT. A Day Party! Fitness Class, Line Dancing, Financial Workshop, Panel of Health Experts. Great Food Too!
09/11/2019 Patriot Day 2019: Understanding the Economic Impact of September 11, 2001.
09/08/2019 Break Every Chain: Keys to Breaking Bad Habits".
09/06/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - AfroEconomics Update (What's the deal with the stock market?)
09/04/2019 Preparedness + Opportunity = Success. 10 Tips for being financially PREPARED.
08/30/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING. This week let's talk more about " The 90 - 10 Rule ".
08/28/2019 REFUSE 2 Be Broke! Key steps to LIVING your wealthiest LIFE.
08/25/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........ The Power of Your Thoughts and Words. Do you have at least 7 Powerful "I am" statements?
08/23/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING. Let's talk.... Did you know "Wage Equality Day" was yesterday -August 22, 2019?
08/21/2019 Remembering The Great Recession (December 2007 - June 2009) : How to prepare and protect your finances from economic downturn.
08/18/2019 Sunday at Sunrise....... A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. Is that really true?
08/16/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING : This week "Keys to Being BETTER with YOUR Money"
08/14/2019 WALL STREET WORRIES: 10 Things EVERY stock investor must KNOW!
08/11/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........Based on the 5th Principle of AfroEconomics : The Soul Of Your Money
08/10/2019 FREE LIVE EVENT! The AfroEconomics Lifestyle : Living the 10 Principles of AfroEconomics
08/09/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING .......... This week: Principle 9 Determination / Your Vision
08/07/2019 Overcoming credit inequality and Building your credit score....
07/31/2019 R-E-S-P-E-C-T : Is Our Black Wealth Respected? Checkout how RESPECT does pay bills.
07/28/2019 The Soul of Your Money....... Making Decisions: Just because we can - doesn't mean we should.
07/24/2019 Protecting YOUR Legacy. Daily Steps to Building Generational Wealth.
07/21/2019 This Sunday at Sunrise........ Let's discuss : The Power of God's approval . You have no competition.
07/17/2019 AfroEconomics VS. The April 2019 Racial Wealth Divide Report
07/15/2019 AfroEconomics Update on The Carl Nelson Show
07/13/2019 FREE LIVE EVENT! The AfroEconomics Lifestyle : Living the 10 Principles of AfroEconomics
07/10/2019 AfroEconomics , AI, and WEALTH: Understanding the POWER behind Artificial Intelligence.
07/03/2019 Celebrate YOUR Financial Independence.
06/26/2019 Three Important Factors of your Financial Life: Strategy, Diversification, Consistency.
06/19/2019 AfroEconomics Mid-Year Update : New IRA Rules in the works & Market Briefing.
06/17/2019 Men's Roundtable LIVE Webinar Featuring Men of AfroEconomics
06/16/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........Breaking Myths About Black Fatherhood.
06/12/2019 Our Billionaires: Exploring the wealth tips of Smith,Jordan, & Jay-Z.
06/09/2019 The Message: Don't Push me cause I'm Close to the EDGE.
06/05/2019 The Black Tax: Many Black professionals feel pressure to share their income with struggling family members, making it difficult for them to build generational wealth.
06/02/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........ Wisdom: Not all old people are wise and not all young people are foolish. Inspired by Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.
05/29/2019 Today's Black GrandParents : Contributing more than EVER.
05/22/2019 SPECIAL FEATURE " Be a MILLIONAIRE". Watch Wednesday at 8 PM.
05/20/2019 AfroEconomics Women and Wealth Series : FINAL WEEK 3 - National Be A Millionaire Day!
05/18/2019 The AfroEconomics approach to INVESTING. SATURDAY MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - ONLINE
05/15/2019 What is your AfroEconomics IQ ? Take the Official AfroEconomics IQ Test ...... These 10 Questions will help you see just how much you know about investing, budgeting, insurance, and historical data.
05/12/2019 A Mother's Day Tribute.
05/08/2019 TAX ATTACK! 10 QUICK Ways to REDUCE your 2019 TAX BILL.
05/07/2019 JB Bryan speaks at ........
05/03/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING...... THIS WEEK: Reasons to File for Social Security at Full Retirement Age
05/01/2019 Family Night: Why is Mom's Pay Less than Dad's?
04/24/2019 Handling School Loan Debt - Students and Parents
04/21/2019 Sunday at Sunrise.......Resurrection Sunday. Your Faith is proven by your Sacrifice.
04/17/2019 AfroEconomics LIVE! This week....Building Your Stock Portfolio.
04/14/2019 Sunday at Sunrise......Let's Discover Godly Success. Inspired by Proverbs 3.
04/13/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - This week we are talking " Black Wealth Hacks"
04/10/2019 The INSIDE SCOOP: Starting your own Business and Understanding the Basics
04/08/2019 AfroEconomics Update on The Carl Nelson Show
04/07/2019 The Soul Of Your Money: This week's topic "The World is Your Oyster". Inspired by Psalm 89
04/05/2019 AfroEconomics Quarterly Update ONLINE - Members Only. You must log-in AfroEconomics.org to register.
04/03/2019 AfroEconomics LIVE! Can you answer these questions? Key questions to answer before you invest.
03/27/2019 Family Night! The Family that Plans together - GROWS together.
03/24/2019 The Soul of Your Money. This Sunday at Sunrise........#SpeakWealth . The importance of our words.
03/23/2019 SATURDAY - MEMBERS ONLY MEETING . ALL MEMBERS MUST LOG-IN at AFROECONOMICS.ORG to register for this event. This week: Why Don’t All High Earners Become Wealthy?
03/20/2019 AfroEconomics Consumer Protection Week : AVOIDING SCAMS and ID Theft.
03/17/2019 The Soul of Your Money : Talent and Character. Proverbs 1.
03/13/2019 It's Game Night! AfroEconomics Black Card Revoked Competition ONLINE! $100 GRAND PRIZE!
03/06/2019 The lessons of life - learned through Entrepreneurship.
03/03/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........ The Soul of Your Money.
03/01/2019 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING ............. This week: AVOID these Grown Folk Money Mistakes .
02/27/2019 Discover ways to be HAPPY financially - NOW and in Retirement. Let's discuss moves to protect your JOY. Get Empowered. Be HAPPY!
02/24/2019 The Soul of Your Money ..... This week's topic is " Well Done". Let's explore what is required to hear those words " Well Done". Are we living God's financial plan for us? Are we on the correct path?
02/23/2019 LIVE ONLINE - The AfroEconomics Lifestyle : Living the 10 Principles of AfroEconomics
02/22/2019 Topic: How Your Money is Protected - MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING
02/20/2019 The MONEY MVP's of 2019. Find out the Top Five Financial Priorities! #WINNING
02/17/2019 The Soul of Your Money : Black History. Black Church. Black Wealth : A Biblical Perspective
02/13/2019 Love and Money Part III : Couples Share Financial Tips
02/12/2019 LIVE! Tax Attack on The Carl Nelson Radio Show
02/10/2019 The Soul of Your Money. LOVE and MONEY Series: Family&Finances A Biblical Perspective.
02/08/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - TOPIC: Understanding Your Investment Policy Statement
02/06/2019 Love and Money Part I : Dating & Your Finances (Panel of Grown Folk)
01/30/2019 Diary of a Money Maker: Check out how automation can slow you down.
01/26/2019 WORKSHOP IN DC: Living the 10 Principles of AfroEconomics
01/23/2019 How do you measure your investment performance?..... Benchmarks and How to Use Them.
01/21/2019 KING DAY TRIBUTE BRUNCH. PANEL DISCUSSION on The Government Shutdown- Community Service - Entrepreneurship - Corporate America - Education - WEALTH.
01/20/2019 AfroEconomics Equality Weekend - The Soul of Your Money: For your sake he became poor.
01/19/2019 AfroEconomics College Prep 2019. Parents Register and List students as your guests.
01/18/2019 LUNCH Saluting "AfroEconomics Equality WEEKEND 2019" - MEMBERS ONLY.
01/16/2019 AfroEconomics Equality Presentation : Birth of a Nation of Broken Promises. Our Past. Our Present. Our Legacy.
01/13/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........The Soul Of Your Money : This week - You get EXACTLY what you ask for.
01/09/2019 What's the big deal? How do interest rate changes impact your investments? How you can plan for interest rate changes?
01/06/2019 Sunday at Sunrise........The Soul Of Your Money : Be Courageous and STRONG! #2019
01/04/2019 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING. This week : Wealth Building Habits for 2019.
01/02/2019 Time Management and Wealth are connected. Check out these tips on maximizing 2019.
12/30/2018 This week..... Financial Planning is Biblical. Check out God's financial planning advice to us as we approach 2019.
12/28/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING..... Here's what I need you to do this weekend while everyone else is PARTYING!
12/26/2018 AfroEconomics salutes Kwanzaa : Let's CELEBRATE how each of us can include the principles of Kwanzaa and AfroEconomics in our daily life.
12/23/2018 Sunday at Sunrise..... JB shares scripture on why we should avoid MATERIALISM. God is the REASON for the SEASON.
12/21/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - This week..... JB will provide a market update and portfolio protection strategies.
12/19/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Let's talk about ...... Asset Accumulation phase vs. SPENDING & INCOME phase.
12/16/2018 Sunday at Sunrise........ This week: The POWER of GOD.
12/15/2018 AfroEconomics Membership Celebration & Awards Ceremony. Dressy - Formal - Business Attire.
12/12/2018 The Struggle Is Real: Building a Family Financial Infrastructure
12/10/2018 Members ONLY Meeting ONLINE - MONDAY NIGHT
12/05/2018 Check out my TOP money mistakes! What are yours? How to "EARN" from your mistakes and be EMPOWERED!
12/02/2018 Sunday at Sunrise....... This week: Staying MOTIVATED! Staying Inspired!
11/28/2018 DEBT FREE that's ME! But that's not how it used-to-BE! Discover the sacrifices I make daily.
11/25/2018 Sunday at Sunrise........Based on the 5th Principle of AfroEconomics : The Soul Of Your Money
11/21/2018 The POWER is in the PROCESS..... Developing WEALTH using the AfroEconomics Strategy and PATIENCE.
11/18/2018 Sunday at Sunrise........ This week: Ezra 10:4 Rise Up, This matter is in your hands. We will support you so take courage and do it. Building Financial Responsibility.
11/16/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING This week..... calculating the COST of DELAY.
11/14/2018 EXTENDED CLASS..... Frequent $$$ Questions : What's my RMD? RMD - what is it? Which health insurance is best? How do I know when I'm Ready to Retire? How much Life Insurance is Enough? Call-in with YOUR questions at 1-833-ASK-AFRO.
11/11/2018 Sunday at Sunrise........This week: As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
11/10/2018 AfroEconomics Business Summit
11/07/2018 Will $1 Million be enough in 2030? Is it enough today? SERIOUS Retirement Planning Strategies.
11/05/2018 AfroEconomics Update : A Look at Market Performance and Year-End Money Moves.
11/04/2018 Sunday's at Sunrise........ Building and Maintaining a Peaceful Financial Life. 1 Corinthians 14:33 and 1 Corinthians 14:40
10/31/2018 The Haunted Financial House. Getting the Financial Skeletons out of your Closet!
10/28/2018 Sunday at Sunrise..... if you have faith as small as a mustard seed.
10/26/2018 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING - ONLINE or Teleconference. Topic: The Stock Market and YOU. Plus an update on Social Security and the Medicare Hold Harmless Ruling.
10/24/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! 10 Financial Empowerment Questions to answer before this year ends.
10/21/2018 Sunday at Sunrise..... This week's topic : The wheat and the Weeds.
10/17/2018 INTERCEPTION! #Winning The Top 10 Defensive Moves for your Finances. (Based on JB's Top 10 Defensive NFL Players)
10/16/2018 AfroEconomics Weekly Update
10/14/2018 Sunday at Sunrise..... Living a life of Gratitude . My Cup Runneth Over (Psalm 23:5)
10/12/2018 Dow tumbles over 500 points, bringing 2-day losses to more than 1,300 points. Let's Talk. Don't miss the MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING . JOIN TODAY.
10/10/2018 Portfolio Strategies : A look at Diversification .... Are you too diversified? Explore the effective use of portfolio diversification.
10/08/2018 MONDAY AfroEconomics Update : A look at the Stock market, Interest Rates, Employment and Financial Tips.
10/07/2018 Sunday at Sunrise....... This Week: The Power is in The Process. Developing a Financial Empowerment Plan.
10/03/2018 Attacking Economic Inequality : JB Bryan takes on an article from The Harvard Gazette.
09/30/2018 Sunday at Sunrise ...... This Week: Are you using God as an excuse to be BROKE?
09/28/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING (The AfroEconomics Algorithm)
09/26/2018 A financial message to my younger self. Make sure you write yours.
09/23/2018 SUNDAY at SUNRISE.
09/22/2018 AfroEconomics Business Summit in New York ( FREE for ALL Members )
09/21/2018 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING ONLINE - NY Office. Introducing The AfroEconomics Algorithm Meeting starting OCTOBER 2018 Members ONLY. Monday's at 8 pm.
09/19/2018 A Lump sum or a Monthly Check..... Which would you prefer?
09/16/2018 Learn MORE. Earn MORE. Become MORE. The AfroEconomics Business Summit Overview.
09/14/2018 MEMBERS ONLY ONLINE MEETING - Come Rain and High Water..... A Financial Preparedness Test.
09/12/2018 Here’s how to CATCH-UP on Saving and Investing …...
09/09/2018 LIVE Podcast Recording from the studio .............
09/05/2018 AfroEconomics Investment Strategies: An inside look at the AfroEconomics Portfolios, Risk Tolerance and Time Horizon.
09/02/2018 The Cookout! What's needed for the perfect cookout? What about for the perfect financial life? Let's fill up the PLATE! TODAY! Making sure you have EVERYTHING you need for your Personal and Business Financial Success.
08/31/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - Find out why 1 in 3 Americans have less than $5,000 saved for retirement.
08/29/2018 Aretha Franklin died without leaving a will: Find out why.......
08/26/2018 Beware and Be AWARE : Financial Dream Killers for Entrepreneurs and Professionals
08/24/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING. This week: Understanding the Longest Market Rally in History.
08/22/2018 R.T.G.B.W. - Respect the Grind - Build Wealth. Understanding the Time Value of Money.
08/19/2018 Money is NEVER the real issue. Let's TALK BUSINESS....
08/15/2018 It costs too much to Procrastinate : Do these 10 things TODAY and YOU will be glad you did tomorrow.
08/12/2018 Assumptions: Business assumptions we should NEVER make.
08/10/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING : Principle 3 Organization and Planning
08/08/2018 Between the world and AfroEconomics. A financial empowerment session inspired by the poem by Richard Wright and the Book " Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates
08/05/2018 Making Progress: 10 Toxic Financial Habits to AVOID.
08/04/2018 This SATURDAY .....MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING. Principle 2: Financial Independence. Highlight: 10 Important Rules of Financial Independence
08/01/2018 Who is the Richest Person in the World? It could be you. The top 10 attributes of the TRULY RICH.
07/29/2018 What's HOT and What's NOT! What's Wealth and What's Wack!
07/25/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Defeating the Top 10 Financial Worries. Stop Worrying - Start Building.
07/22/2018 Sunday EVENT : Technology and Your Money: Maximizing technology in wealth development.
07/20/2018 Happy Hour - For Members Only
07/18/2018 Developing a Financial Advantage. It's the little things. Check out what you can do EVERYDAY to give you an advantage!
07/15/2018 Secrets of Today's Economy. Are we missing out? Steps to take Today.
07/13/2018 Friday's Featured Video: Entrepreneurship - Can you pass the test? Questions only you can answer.
07/12/2018 Featured Video: What's in your DNA? Good Financial Habits or NOT? Check out today's Featured video!
07/11/2018 The American Dream? Owning vs. Renting. Check out today's Featured video!
07/10/2018 Today's Featured Video : Building Wealth By Keeping It Simple
07/09/2018 Today's Featured Video : Total Return Investment Strategy
07/08/2018 Today's Featured Video : Generational Wealth Building
07/04/2018 Your Declaration of Financial Independence : Strategies for Wealth Development. The END of Financial Slavery.
07/01/2018 How to always Over-Estimate your Financial Goals and NEVER under-estimate YOURSELF.
06/29/2018 The Importance of Quarterly Financial Meetings/Calls
06/27/2018 Smart Money Moves in Today's Strong Economy.
06/20/2018 Fight the POWER! How to Make Trump work 4 YOU! BUSINESS - INVESTMENTS - HEALTHCARE - TAXATION - REAL ESTATE
06/17/2018 You have NO Competition. Staying on TOP of your Game!
06/15/2018 5 Key Ways to Maximize your Membership! Investing - Insurance - Tax Planning - Business - Legacy Development
06/13/2018 Developing YOUR Financial Mission Statement for Generational Wealth.
06/10/2018 For Things to Change for Me..... I've Got to CHANGE!
06/09/2018 AfroEconomics Presents: TODAY'S BLACK MAN and His Money! Entrepreneurship - Investments - Real Estate - Taxation - Health & Wealth
06/06/2018 Cut your Losses short and Let your Winners RUN! Do most investors actually do that?
06/03/2018 The TOP 20 Affirmations for Entrepreneurs!
05/30/2018 Enhancing Investor Confidence: What's your confidence score? Find out.
05/27/2018 Know your Personal Philosophy and Stick to it. Your ideals, rules, standards.
05/26/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - Protect your health & Protect your wealth
05/23/2018 AVOID THE NOISE! Focus Your Financial Mind. Find out how.....
05/18/2018 MEMBERS ONLY: Here's How to Get What You Want Out of Life!!!
05/14/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! The importance of Generational Wealth - financial planning to pass down significant financial resources to future generations.
05/11/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - How to Outpace Inflation: Determining the Real Return on your investments.
05/09/2018 TEAM WORK makes the DREAM work. Family Financial Strategies.
05/06/2018 Customer Service : Giving EVERY customer the VIP treatment without spending more MONEY.
05/05/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - The Importance of Transparency
05/02/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Are you sabotaging your finances? STOP the Money Madness! Investment Strategies and Financial Planning.
04/29/2018 The Business RISK of lacking confidence: The Importance of Confidence while Building your Business.
04/25/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! No Days OFF! HOW TO ACTIVELY MANAGE YOUR MONEY!
04/22/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! REFUSE2BEBROKE.COM !
04/21/2018 AfroEconomics: Black Women of Excellence Brunch for Financial Empowerment through Debt Freedom, Entrepreneurship, and Self-Reliance.
04/18/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! What's in YOUR wallet? How to make sure your credit cards HELP you!
04/11/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! DREAM KILLERS! What are they and how to AVOID them!
04/08/2018 Let's TALK BUSINESS.... This week - Active VS. Passive Income?
04/04/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Spring Cleaning YOUR Finances!
03/28/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Is YOUR house payment affordable? The danger of being over burdened with your housing expenses.
03/25/2018 Entrepreneur, JB Bryan leads a LIVE discussion of " Owning OUR Mistakes" how to build your business through owning our mistakes and the many lessons found in "Owning our Mistakes".
03/21/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! TAX ATTACK ! Deductions. Interest. Dividends. Gains/Losses. Owe Taxes? Can you get TOO much back? Maximizing the NEW TAX LAWS..... Understanding the 1040 FORM.
03/18/2018 The BOSS Retirement Plan! Key Steps for Entrepreneurs to take TODAY.
03/16/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING ------ Tax Strategies. Investment Strategies. Financial Planning.
03/14/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! TONIGHT at 8 pm. March 14th - Investment Advisor JB Bryan talks Shake It OFF : Financial REHAB from Student Loans, Job Loss, Foreclosure, Divorce, and TAXES! www.DontQuitTour.com
03/07/2018 Washington Post Report : No progress for African Americans on homeownership, unemployment and incarceration in 50 years
03/04/2018 You're the Coach ..... Who is in your starting line up? Who is your MVP? Building or REBUILDING YOUR Team.
02/28/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Maximizing your SIDE HUSTLE !
02/25/2018 Let's TALK BUSINESS....
02/24/2018 CELEBRATING The History and Future of Black Wealth! NYC Office Opening and Financial Empowerment Brunch. Stock Investing. Real Estate. Entrepreneurship. Insurance. Financial Planning.
02/22/2018 THURSDAY NIGHT - MEMBERS ONLY - Black History Month Discussion OPEN Mic......
02/21/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! The importance of Black Business in Black History
02/18/2018 Let's TALK BUSINESS.... How to make sure you THRIVE in a GROWING Economy!
02/17/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - Check out the Financial Planning system for MEMBERS!
02/14/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Love and Money. The importance of Financial Compatibility ..... Are you a good financial match?
02/10/2018 The Black Business Summit - Entrepreneur's Paradise!
02/07/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Last Will and Testament. What do you want your life to represent? When it is all said and done - What do you want your life to say about YOU?
02/06/2018 Investment Advisor, JB Bryan talks tomorrow at 9 am. What's going on with STOCKS???? What does this DOW drop mean to YOU? Why the BITCOIN beat down? What should be your next move?
02/03/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING 2/3 Topic : Stock Market Expectations for 2018 and Managing volatility.
01/31/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Discrimination When Buying a Car : How to Protect YOU and YOUR Family.
01/28/2018 Let's Talk.... The EXPENSIVE Habits that could be COSTING YOU too much!
01/26/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - What tax deductions are GONE for 2018?
01/24/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! Is Interest only Financing a good idea? Why or Why not?
01/19/2018 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - 10 Secrets to Financial Independence
01/17/2018 JB Bryan talks ....What can you GAIN - from Stock Price Volatility?
01/15/2018 Join us for Brunch commemorating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. A morning filled with FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT. AfroEconomics: Bridging the Gap for Economic Equality.
01/13/2018 SATURDAY MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING : Let's Talk ....Volatility is NOT Risk .
01/10/2018 AfroEconomics LIVE! 10 Ways to INCREASE YOUR PAYCHECK !!!
01/07/2018 Let's TALK BUSINESS.... Business TAXATION and the 2018 Tax REFORM! Check out how it can help you with your 2017 taxes!
12/31/2017 FINISH STRONG! Steps to take NOW to finish STRONG! Financial EMPOWERMENT!
12/29/2017 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING: What is FAANG ? FAANG is an acronym for five of the most popular and among the best-performing tech stocks in the market. Let's talk about them!
12/27/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE! Kwanzaa and the importance of Economic Empowerment!
12/23/2017 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING - Making the TAX REFORM WORK for YOU! Exploring Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.
12/20/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE! Don't HATE the PLAYER - LEARN THE GAME! Financial Independence. Tomorrow at noon. Register at www.AfroEconomics.com/events ....
12/17/2017 STAR WARS and DISNEY! How you can buy an existing business or brand......
12/16/2017 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING ! An Inside look at the Online Investment Portal and Brokerage Account Access.
12/15/2017 AfroEconomics Membership Awards & Celebration !
12/13/2017 The STOCK market does NOT discriminate!
12/10/2017 Healthy Habits of the Successful Entrepreneur......
12/06/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE! JB Bryan tells the story about : The DEBT that STOLE CHRISTMAS !
12/03/2017 Let's talk business.... How to make sure YOU and your BUSINESS BENEFIT from the Tax Reform
12/01/2017 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING ..... When is it time to Rebalance Your Portfolio?
11/29/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE! Dow reaches new RECORD HIGH !
11/26/2017 Let's talk business.... TODAY : The risks that EVERY business owner must take!
11/22/2017 YOUR Money. YOUR Family. YOUR Friends. AfroEconomics LIVE!
11/19/2017 Let's talk business.... HOW TO BECOME and STAY THE BEST IN YOUR FIELD.
11/15/2017 SUCCESS: Turning your Finances --- INSIDE OUT! Learning to focus financially.
11/12/2017 The Black Business Summit
11/11/2017 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING! Preparing for The Black Business Summit ....
11/08/2017 The Stanford University Marshmallow Test...... The Power of Delayed Gratification
11/05/2017 The NEW Tax Reform Proposal! How to make it work for us....
11/04/2017 5th Annual Veterans and Spouses Conference
11/03/2017 MEMBERS ONLY EMPOWERMENT MEETING : Creating a Budget for 2018 !!
11/01/2017 What is your debt to income ratio? Why is your debt ratio important? Key steps to make sure you are on point.
10/29/2017 The Amazon Effect.... The Lessons for Black Business Owners.
10/27/2017 More than 1,000,000 reasons why you MUST plan!
10/25/2017 Make your MONEY work harder than YOU!
10/23/2017 Studying the Wealth Gap in America..... What do we all have in common?
10/22/2017 Entrepreneurial Lessons in "Up From Slavery" by Booker T. Washington
10/18/2017 What's in YOUR 401k? Checked out your investments lately?
10/16/2017 Virginia Union University welcomes AfroEconomics w/ JB Bryan
10/15/2017 TODAY : The BITCOIN craze! What's RIGHT and What's WRONG! The lesson is your weapon -TODAY at 3! Innovation vs. Regulation
10/11/2017 What's the WORST that can happen? Understanding Insurance.
10/08/2017 How ENTREPRENEURS Learn to LOVE Adversity......
10/04/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar and Teleconference!
10/04/2017 Break Every Chain : The Steps to Debt Freedom
10/01/2017 Business Tip #1 : Avoid Legal Issues!
09/27/2017 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND .....How to AVOID " The Road to Zero Wealth" .....
09/27/2017 How to AVOID " The Road to Zero Wealth" .....
09/24/2017 What's required of Entrepreneurs? Can you pass the test?
09/24/2017 Gye Nyame Worship Center - The Cure for Spiritual Poverty. This week's topic: Are your religious views contributing to your prosperity or poverty?
09/20/2017 The SECRET habits of the Financially Successful People!
09/17/2017 Key Business Financial Terms for Entrepreneurs.....
09/13/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! ATTACK THE FINANCIAL DREAM KILLERS!!
09/10/2017 AfroEconomics: Let's Talk Business
09/06/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! Wednesday at Noon!
08/30/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! Each Wednesday at Noon!
08/27/2017 Outside the Ring: Floyd Mayweather The Business Man a closer look....
08/24/2017 JB Bryan speaks for State of Virginia - SBSD
08/23/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! Each Wednesday at Noon!
08/20/2017 AfroEconomics: Dick Gregory Black Business Tips
08/16/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! Each Wednesday at Noon!
08/13/2017 AfroEconomics: Let's Talk Business
08/12/2017 Back 2 School Cookout
08/09/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! LIVE from New York!
08/06/2017 AfroEconomics: Let's Talk Business
08/02/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! Wednesday at Noon!
07/30/2017 AfroEconomics: Let's Talk Business
07/26/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE Webinar! Each Wednesday at Noon!
07/23/2017 AfroEconomics: Let's Talk Business
07/19/2017 AfroEconomics LIVE webinar! Each Wednesday at Noon!
07/16/2017 AfroEconomics: Let's Talk Business
07/12/2017 Afroeconomics Weekly Webinar and Conference Call
07/09/2017 AfroEconomics with JB Bryan : Let's Talk Business.....
07/05/2017 Afroeconomics Weekly Webinar and Conference Call
09/06/2016 Members Only Meeting, Webinar, and TeleConference

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